June 2011 Prayer Letter

June 2011

Dear Friends,

This last month has been a bit up and down.  Ana and I have proceeded with our plans to receive Eleni and Florin, but they weren’t allowed to come stay with us as quickly as we had hoped.  Actually, they have been allowed to come stay with us twice so far, but each time they were only given a short time away from the center to be with us.  After each weekend visit they were expected back at the center for minors.  We are thankful, however, that they were able to be with all the other children and with us for Easter.  And it has been a blast of hope, so to speak, having them in our home if even for a short time.

However, it seems that finally they will be allowed to come stay with us and not have to return to the center for minors.  Tomorrow, we hope, they will make the permanent move to our home.  Please continue to pray for Eleni and Florin.  Pray for Ana and me.  And pray for our community as we all begin to slowly adjust to this major change in our lives.  Pray for Jesus to lead us each step of the way.

June also marks the end of the school year for the children (June 17th is the last day of school this year).  As usual, the week after school ends we will begin our summer program.  Please pray for us as we seek to discern and plan for the summer.  This is always the time of year when we can finally plan time for more varied activities with the children.  It’s a great time for deepening our relationships.

Finally, please pray this month for Lau and Vali, two Romanian staff members (married to each other) that will be entering into a time of sabbatical rest at the end of this month.  Pray for us as we begin to plan for their absence.  And pray for Lau and Vali.  Pray that all the Lord has planned for them in this time will come to pass.  Pray they will be led into His sweet presence.


Paul and Ana