June Prayer Letter

June 2009


God’s love was revealed in our midst in this way: by sending the Only Begotten into the world, that we might have faith through the Anointed One. Love, then, consists in this: not that we have loved God, but that God has loved us and has sent the Only Begotten to be an offering for our sins. Beloved, if God has loved us so, we must have the same love for one another. 1 Jn 4:9-11


Hey everyone!


Is this passage a promise that I live into? Do I believe that I am completely loved by God? Do I trust that God’s love is in me? Can I show the love of God? Do I love others? But remember, “Beloved, if God has loved us, we must have the same love for one another.”

Rom 8:32 reads, “Since God did not spare the Only Begotten, but gave Christ up for the sake of us all, we may be certain, after such a gift, that God will freely give us everything.” This verse makes me think of an illustration a friend told me of an overflowing cup. The cup that God promises is an overflowing one – picture with me a cup, full of water, that is being poured into with more water; you watch as the cup overflows and water spills everywhere. If God is the water and I/you are the cups, then it is God’s promise to overflow us with Gods-self. Why do we look for identification, affirmation, respect, purpose, approval, love, (fill in the blank) from others? There is no need to try to fill ourselves because the God of the Universe promises to never stop, though we cannot hold it all, pouring into and filling us! “God will freely give us everything.”

Here is a little story that Monica Klepac, former WMF Romania staff, told about a special experience she had with the children in Galati. During Easter, the staff gathered all the children in the chapel to sing, watch a play and hear a sermon – as they always do during the Easter season. When the song “Via Dolorosa” (an account of Christ’s walk to the cross) began to play the kids got still and closed their eyes while they sang about His sorrow. Jesus’ crucifixion, the most magnificent expression of God’s love for humanity, touched deep places of sorrow in these children’s lives – they reflected on the promise of eternal life through Jesus’ suffering in their place. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection is love that heals all pain. I pray for a greater capacity to believe that only God’s love sustains and only Jesus’ wounds satisfy. May our cups overflow today and always with the love of God.


Here is a brief update on what my support account looks like.

I’m still about $600 short of having my monthly financial need met. I did some math and of the 142 people who receive this letter, 55 have been able to offer support (which is about 39%). My goal is to increase that to 50% which would mean adding 16 supporters. So, I want to ask that if you are not one of my monthly supporters and a $15 monthly donation would be feasible, if you would please consider making that commitment?

If you have been sponsoring me monthly, Thank you! It is incredible being here and I cannot do it without your financial and prayerful support. If you have given a one-time donation and sense that you would be able to sponsor me as a monthly donor; I have enclosed an automatic deduction form for you to check out and consider the possibility of making that commitment! 

Thank You!





“What will separate us from the love of Christ? – nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that comes to us in Christ Jesus, our Savior.” Rom 8:35-39

Check out Via Dolorosa lyrics at: http://www.lyricsdownload.com/sandi-patti-via-dolorosa-lyrics.html