June Prayer Letter

A reflection on presence — click the link below to see my prayer letter:


I will be in the states from June 2oth – July 26th and I hope to be able to see a lot of my friends and family :).  My whereabouts are as follows, if there is a chance for us to catch up in one of these places please shoot me an email!

June 20 – 23:  Los Angeles with my family!

June 23-28:  San Francisco for Sarah & Sebastian’s Wedding!

June 28-July 1:  Des Moines — There will be a gathering at my parents house on the 1st, please stop by if you can!  more details to come!

July 2-5:  Chicago :).

July 5- 12:  Back in DSM

July 12-22:  Staff Gathering in Nebraska City

July 22-25:  Peabody, KS

July 25-26:  Omaha, NE

July 26:  Back to Lima!

thanks for walking with me everyone!  much love!