June Prayer Letter

June 2011

As mentioned in my last prayer letter, I am going to South America! I have so much excitement about this trip and it is only going to get stronger as July 1st approaches! I will be traveling with Jeff Swart, a fellow co-worker, to visit the Word Made Flesh fields in Bolivia and Brazil. I am thrilled to visit these two communities and these are a few reasons why.

In El Alto, Bolivia, we serve alongside women who are victims of sex trafficking. The Bolivia community established a small business initiative, Suti Sana, where women are handcrafting bags to sell as alternative employment. The ladies gather at La Casa de Esperanza (English translation: House of Hope) to do this beautiful work, to receive love and learn valuable life skills. During La Casa’s 5-year anniversary celebration, one of the ladies stood up and said, “The House of Hope isn’t just a place where you come to eat lunch. It’s not just a place where you come to see a doctor. Here you get a better medicine. You have friends who encourage you and have faith in you. They supported me when I was leaving ‘the work’ and now they’re helping me study. I’m not from around here and I don’t have any family except my son and them.”

I get to meet this woman! I get to sit and admire her and the other women as they sew! I get to share a meal with them! I get to learn from them!

In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the staff members and volunteers are in relationship with over sixty children, adolescents and families living in the favelas (shanty towns) of Rio. They play soccer, educate, share meals, legally advocate, etc.; living in ways that resemble Christ’s love. And, over a year ago, Projeto Ester, a day center for women and their children, was established.  I love the motto, “Christ raising up women, women exalting Christ.” About forty women and their children regularly come to the center to learn, laugh, teach and be loved.

I get to meet these families! I get to sing and laugh and just be with these women! I get to walk the streets of Rio and play soccer with the kids!

What I absolutely love the most about visiting Bolivia and Brazil is that for two weeks I will get to meet people that I have wanted to know for a long time and I will get to share life with people whom I truly adore! If only for just moments/days, our very different lives will converge and forever we will be a part of each others’ stories! I just love it!

Please consider sponsoring me!

 1. Financially

The total expense for the trip is approximately $3200. This includes the airfare, visas, immunization, food, etc. My support account, as of May 12, 2011, has been negative, so I am experiencing a great financial need, not only for this trip but, more critically, for the positive and sustainable status of my support account in general.

Would you consider giving a one-time donation for this trip or a recurring monthly donation for my service with Word Made Flesh? Thank you for prayerfully considering donating to WMF on my behalf.

2. Prayerfully

Jeff and I will depart July 1st. We’ll fly into La Paz and bus to El Alto to spend several days with the community there. We’ll then fly to Rio de Janeiro, spending the remainder of our time there. We’ll depart for our trip back to the States on July 13th.

Pray for our safety and health. Pray that neither of us suffer from altitude or motion sickness. Pray that neither of us experience jetlag.

Pray for our experience. Pray that we can encourage our staff and gain better appreciation and understanding for their lifestyles. Pray that we would love and receive love from those we encounter. Pray that we would return more inspired to serve with Word Made Flesh.

Thank you for all the support and love you extend toward me. It is an incredible privilege to pursue this trip and a joy to invite you into the journey with me!

Peace and love.
