June Prayer Letter

Beloved Friends, While summer is definitely my favorite season, there is something exciting about living in a place where the change of seasons is marked- where the summers are deliciously hot and humid and the winters are cooooold and windy and rain comes down in thunderous torrents. Buenos Aires winters are certainly a change from the mild winters characteristic of southern California. During our recent visit to California, several friends listened to my stories about the weather and asked me if the leaves change colors in the fall. I was embarrassed to admit that I had not paid close enough attention and didn't know. Now that we are back in Argentina and fall is well underway, I've made sure to take a moment from all that distracts me and gaze up towards the trees. The leaves do indeed change along with the seasons. Our little family is also entering a new season as we await the arrival of our second child. I'm 11 weeks along and our expected due date is December 6. I've experienced a little morning sickness, but am feeling really good overall. A friend from church recommended an ob/gyn in whom we are thoroughly pleased. It's always comforting when all your questions and concerns are anticipated and answered before you even ask. Please pray with us for this new addition to our family. We anticipate that Cora will make a great big sister. She was the first to know and has loved being the one to let others in on the secret that “mami has a baby in her belly.” Pre-school is the highlight of her day. (Of course, my highlight is her coming home!) She began attending in March and took a brief hiatus during our recent travels. She adapts so well to new situations and had no trouble jumping right back in. We love hearing the adorable songs she comes home singing and her Spanish has improved considerably. Our time in California was great. We enjoyed precious time with family and friends, worshiping with our beloved church family in Seal Beach. I was even blessed with the joy of being around for the birth of my dearest friend's baby boy. Our travels also took us to Sri Lanka where Word Made Flesh held a field forum for its leadership. It was an honor to be in the presence of so many amazing people from around the world, committed to serving Jesus among the poor. Leaders from each country of service attended, representing 9 nations, a beautiful picture of the body of Christ. It was an intense week of workshops which solidified the organizational structure of the mission and defined the roles and responsibilities for leadership. But instead of being overwhelmed, Walter and I were given a sense of freedom and direction as we look to the future growth of the newest WMF field in Argentina. The support from our local church here in Buenos Aires for our ministry continues to encourage us. The four friends Walter shared about in his last letter have made commitments to continue visiting the kids along with us. They even organized visits the whole month we were away. There has even been talk of opening up the church for a game night sometime soon. We are so excited that we've found a welcoming church that has already opened its doors to the youth we've come to know. Little by little those relationships are also deepening. One particular young man was just released from a detention center and placed into a group home. He called us the other day, as he frequently does, really excited about this new place to live. It's a ways out of town but we hope to make a visit soon. Please pray for his adjustment away from life on the street. Thank you for the way you love our family, keep us in your prayers, and encourage us with your words. You are loved, Adriana