June Prayer Letter


Hello Friends,


What a crazy year it’s already been!


By now hopefully you’ve all seen the newly designed newsletter. We’re really pleased with our new logo and really excited about the new website. If you haven’t logged on yet, I encourage you to. Phileena wrote a beautiful reflection on the meaning behind the image of the bird. It’s well worth reading and you can find it online. We also have a new Word Made Flesh webstore where you can purchase some pretty hip t-shirts, hoodies and tote bags—all proceeds go to help the mission.


Over the past few months both Phileena and I have been slugging away on our books. Phileena’s off to a great start with her manuscript—the pieces she’s let me read are beautifully written, thoughtful and compelling. I can’t wait for her to finish. It will be such an important book.


My second book is part of the Duke Divinity School’s small book series, Resources for Reconciliation. The volume I’m working on will be the 4th title in the series. I’m actually co-writing it with Christine Pohl (author of Making Room) and we are almost ready to turn the manuscript over to the publisher (IVP). Look for it to drop early next year. In addition, my first book, Simple Spirituality is continuing to get out there. Just 10 months after publication it’s already gone into its 3rd printing. Thanks so much for supporting the project and helping advocate for it. In addition to the books, I had an editorial piece published in January’s edition of Evangelical Missions Quarterly and an article in April’s issue of The Journal for Student Ministries.


In the midst of all my writing, I’ve been on the road quite a bit. In fact, I have already spoken 56 times this year at universities, churches and conferences. Overall, the responses have been really positive.


In February we conducted our Field Forum meetings in Gokarna, Nepal. It was a sweet time that brought together 36 members from the core leadership community of Word Made Flesh. Participants came from every Word Made Flesh community, representing 10 nationalities. Our meetings were simultaneously translated into 5 languages as we discussed the future of partnership in mission. This is a crucial time in the life of our community as we consider how to move forward in a deeply rooted theology of partnership. Pray for us as we take courageous steps forward in this.


In May, Phileena and I traveled to San Francisco for a gathering of mission leaders. The directors of the communities written about in Scott Bessenecker’s book, The New Friars, got together to figure out ways to better support one another, find creative ways to collaborate together and find vision for harmonizing our voices for the cause of justice.


In early June I’ll be traveling to Seoul, Korea for Lausanne’s biennial planning meetings. I’ve actually accepted a position on the Lausanne Younger Leader Team, hoping to find ways to bring attention to many of the people we’ve come to love and respect. Word Made Flesh has been such an encouraging community for young people to express vocation and I hope we can continue drawing attention, on a global scale, to those in mission on the ascendancy.


We are looking forward to a slower summer and praying that it is full of reflection and rest as we gear up for what will be a full fall and winter. In the meantime, we’re also experiencing a little bit of a strain in our personal support account. It has been almost 16 years now that we’ve been raising support through Word Made Flesh. Thank you so very much; many of you who have journeyed with us from the very beginning.


You can imagine, it’s never been easy, and the summer months are always the hardest. In fact, it’s a little crazy to ask people to consider giving, or even giving a little more, during June, July and August. Usually people seem to be most generous in December. However, if you would consider turning your giving calendar upside down this year and giving a little more this summer it sure would help. And to make it easier, the new Word Made Flesh website has an excellent option for making on-line donations.


Please know that more than anything, we need your prayers. They carry us as we attempt to stay faithful to the vocation God has called us to.


        Take it slow, keep it simple and bless God.


        Peace to you in all things,



        Chris Heuertz