June Prayer Letter

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Omaha!  I hope this letter finds you well. 

Life here is good.  It's been great to resume an active life of service after sabbatical.  It's been nearly 5 months since returning, but in some ways it feels like we've just gotten back.  Sabbatical rest is still very near to us and the gifts and graces received during that time shape our days.  It was exactly one year ago that Chris and I embarked on pilgrimage to Santiago.  In this spring season as the temperature warms up and the trees begin to bloom, the Camino seems very near. 

We continue to be shaped by pilgrimage because it points us to the spiritual journey that transforms from the inside out and from the outside in.  Involving the whole body, soul and mind in the act of walking with a destination in sight mirrors the eternal pilgrimage we're all a part.  Recovering the ancient practice of pilgrimage reminds us of the spiritual reality of which we're a part and engage everyday, whether we're attentive to it or not.

Transition & Integration: Life After Sabbatical

It has taken more time than we anticipated to transition into full-time work and to integrate sabbatical into service.  Brent, Daphne, Amanda and Laura Alley (board chair) have been so patient with Chris and me.  They've thoughtfully brought us up to speed on the life of the community since we were away and let us find our own rhythm and pace for service.

Part of the rhythm of our year has included mindfulness of the church calendar.  Lent and Easter have been important seasons for us to contemplate the paschal mystery.  Observing and participating in these rhythms of the church has kept us grounded in our faith and attentive to the work of the Spirit in our life.  It has been a rich season to reflect on the symbols of death, resurrection and ascension.

In March on Holy Thursday as Chris was returning from a field visit to Nepal, I went on retreat at a nearby Benedictine monastery to observe Good Friday and prepare for Easter Sunday. The silence, stillness and solitude provided space to reflect on the past and coming years. 

While on sabbatical I initiated some writing projects.  This has proven to be a good means of reflection for me, as well as a creative outlet.  I took time on retreat to engage some of those writing projects more and continue to return to this discipline as often as possible.  I hope to be able to share some of that with you in the future. 

Chris is finding joy in his rhythm as well.  There have been a number of conferences, consultations and gatherings that Chris has attended in recent weeks.  Each setting has been an honored invitation and a welcomed inspiration.  In each place there has been an opportunity for Chris to make new friends with people from all walks of life serving in various spheres of influence in church and society.  These friendships are mutually edifying as mind sharpens mind and hearts challenge hearts to seek first the kingdom of God.  Chris has had a number of opportunities in these contexts to amplify some of the voices of the most vulnerable of our friends around the world.  People have been challenged and inspired to live differently and persevere in living the Gospel.

Simple Spirituality: Learning to See God in a Broken World

Chris' book, Simple Spirituality: Learning to See God in a Broken World is due to release from InterVarsity Press early July 2008!  We are so excited!  Simple Spirituality is in a sense Chris' spiritual memoir.  Drawing on life among the poor with the community of WMF, Chris communicates an honest way of seeking God in our broken world.  You may preorder the book for only $10.20 if you like at http://www.amazon.com.

For those of you in or near Omaha, a book signing is scheduled for Wednesday July 23 at Soul Desires Bookstore in the Old Market.  Book signing will be available from 12-2 pm and 4-7 pm.  Soul Desires is located at 1026 Jackson St. Omaha, NE 68102.  Their telephone number is (402) 898-7600.

Read what some of the reviewers are saying about the book:

"There's no doubt about it: Chris Heuertz has found Jesus among the poorest of the poor–a Jesus who calls us to humility, community, simplicity, submission and brokenness. Throughout Simple Spirituality, as he shares his experiences from around the globe, he challenges and inspires us all to seek Jesus and follow him with renewed passion and integrity. Read it and be transformed."

-Stephen A. Seamands, professor of Christian doctrine, Asbury Theological Seminary

"For those of us in the affluent West, spirituality has become muddled by materialism and complicated by our frenetic pace of life. Chris Heuertz helps to unwind the suffocating insulation that cocoons us and stunts our spiritual growth. From his amazing array of experiences among the poor, Chris has been educated in the seminary of the slums. In this deep but accessible work, he draws us alongside the prostitutes, the dying, the disabled and the beggars to help us learn what he has learned–that sitting so close to the heart of God, the poor have the proximity and perspective to teach us the art of simple spirituality."

-Scott A. Bessenecker, director, InterVarsity Global Projects

Thank you for your love and prayers.

With love & gratitude,
