Lessons I’m Learning…

It was an early brisk morning in El Alto. As I entered the home the children were waiting. Two tiny girls came running with open arms yelling, “Tio, Tio,” meaning  “Uncle, Uncle!” As I embraced the girls I began to think of what a wonderful picture they had painted for me. Isn’t this how we are to approach the Master – with joy and exuberance?

Twice a week we volunteer at Missionaries of Charity, one of Mother Theresa’s homes. They have an excellent ministry here: housing 80 handicapped and disabled adults, maintaining a daycare center for campesino children, (those just coming to the city from the countryside) and serving lunch to 250 -500 people daily. Visiting their home has been one of our favorite parts of our job.

Often we are privileged to serve lunch to the hungry men, women and children that come to the home. As they stand in line with bowl in hand, eagerly awaiting their only hot meal for the day, I am reminded of how we are to give. One spoonful at a time, I realize that a little effort on my part makes a huge difference in the lives of those in need.

As the North American standing behind the 20-gallon pot, I vividly see a representation of the injustice of our world. Why am I not standing on the other side?

As I continue to serve, I thank the Lord for teaching me about the values of His Kingdom and my responsibility as a Christian. My prayer is that the Lord will also be faithful to you in revealing your place as you labor in the Kingdom.