'Living Mission: The Vision and Voices of New Friars'

In October, ‘Living Mission: The Vision and Voices of New Friars’ drops. It’s the follow-up to Scott Bessenecker’s book, ‘The New Friars: The Emerging Movement Serving the World’s Poor.’

The new book is an exciting collaborative effort organized and led by Scott Bessenecker with contributions from Shane Claiborne, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Viv Grigg, Craig & Nay Greenfield, Derek Engdahl, Jean-Luc Krieg, Phileena & Chris Heuertz, David Chronic, Darren Prince, Jose Penate Aceves, John Hayes, Ash Barker and edited by our great friend David Zimmerman.

Last week Darren Prince sent us this image (posted above), writing:

“I took the full text of our little volume, removed the numbers and ran it through a website called <http://wordle.net> wordle.net to generate a word-cloud.  This is representative of the top 125 words in the whole book – with more frequently used words depicted larger according to their use.  On the site itself you can mess around with colors and fonts.”

You can pre-order the book now, just click on this link or the image above.
