Looking for Brazil Servant Team members for the fall

Word Made Flesh is looking for Servant Team Members for the Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Aug 15 – Dec 15, 2010 team.

Servant Teams are 4-month formation opportunities, which are offered in established WMF countries of service. Each Servant Team is comprised of 3 to 7 people who commit to live and serve together, under the leadership and guidance of a WMF staff member.

We have had two Servant Team Members drop off this team, so we are unexpectedly looking for new team members. We need to fill vacancies quickly. Applications are due by noon Monday, June 28 and applicants will be notified whether or not they have been accepted to the team by Thursday, July 1. Because of the expedited application and preparation time there are scholarships available.

Applicants need to complete an application, three reference forms, and a short phone interview.
Applications are available on our website:

Servant Teams

Contact marcia.ghali [at] wordmadeflesh [dot] org with any questions.