March 2002

Humbled Once Again

Last night, I passed by a young 15 or 16 year old prostitute, her arms crossed tightly around her waist, waiting with uncertainty for her next customer. Ten minutes later, she was gone…

Later I saw a group of 10-year old street boys playing soccer in the streets.  It was close to midnight, and I thought to myself, “These kids should be at home, safely tucked away into warm beds and sleeping soundly…”

Then, a man came staggering down the alley with a blood-soaked shirt.  I stood there numb for a few minutes, stunned at such a sight.  He was probably drunk and had gotten into a bar fight.  Would anyone stop to help him?  Would he one day find Truth?

And then as we were driving home, my beautiful Bella, a young street girl, came running across the street, trying to wash a taxi car window for a few Bolivianos.

I started to cry. I wondered about my sweet friend who was trying so hard, so late at night, to make enough for her and her little brother to eat.  At least she wasn’t stealing.  Would she someday choose the same route as the young girl I had seen earlier that evening?  Oh, I prayed not.

In choosing to come to Bolivia, I chose to live in another country. But what I am experiencing now, is another world – one that I know very little about – and one, that at times I wonder if I want to continue in.  It is a dark world, and I often feel afraid and incompetent.

Actually, I am humbled – humbled once again to the point of dependence. Who am I, but only one that He has chosen? Thankful, that I am not in control and will never have all the answers. And prayerful, that I will remain obedient to exactly what He has willed for me.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13). This is my promise that is becoming more and more real to me every day.

Please Pray

  • That we would find a home church
  • For our physical and spiritual protection
  • For God’s revealing presence to those who will join our staff and Servant Teams
  • That we would walk in God’s wisdom and perfect will as we seek ministry possibilities in El Alto


  • We are settled in El Alto and enjoying our new home. Much of our time has been spent learning how to simply live here, but we have also begun volunteering with various organizations to gain a better understanding of the needs here.
  • Recently we traveled to Cochabamba for Carnival, a large festival of thanksgiving and superstition. Water fights are quite common, so we had a lot of fun and learned a lot too.
  • In January we attended our bi-annual WMF staff retreat in Atlanta, GA.  All our missionaries returned home for 10 days of much appreciated rest and reconnecting.