March 2004





Dear friends and family,

This month's letter has a different font and format because I have had the unfortunate headache of a computer meltdown — my laptop has simply stopped functioning. Consequently I have lost a plethora of information, including all of your email addresses. Mailing addresses are still available to me for my monthly letter, but please drop me a note via email if you were receiving my emails with specific and urgent prayer requests and would be willing to continue to pray.

As you know, my first Servant Team arrived on February 1 and they are keeping me busy. They are a great team of three girls and our daily activities and meetings together are teaching me and reminding me of the heart of my calling, to serve Jesus among the poorest of the poor. Please keep April, Bethany and Gwen in your prayers as they live with host families, study language with a tutor, and serve at the Drop-In Center, Boys' Home and a home for mentally handicapped children. At the end of this month we will be taking a trip to either Sofia, Bulgaria or Budapest, Hungary to get their visas renewed. Pray for our safety in travel and a time of refreshment away from Galati.

The winter months are difficult as usual, so pray for perseverance and
supernatural hope and joy to pull us through until the Spring. There have been many disappointments with the kids this winter… two boys who came to the boys' home returned to the streets, one boy who was in another group home for a year returned to drugs and to the streets, one of the girls returned from three months of prostitution in Spain and seems to have accepted this as her new way of life. All these things are heavy on my heart and bring me to my knees in prayer before the Father. Only He can work healing and restoration.

Thank you for persevering with me in prayer on behalf of these children and their families. Thank you for encouraging me and supporting me financially. Thank you for opening your hearts in compassion toward the poor. May you be blessed this month.

In Christ,

OP 6 CP 256
Galati, 800.760

Rachel Simons
OP 6 CP 256
Galati, 6200