March 2008 Prayer Letter

March 1, 2008 

Dear Friends and Family,

One of our desires for this year is to be more intentional about how we care for you, our sending and prayer team. After all, you do so much to care for our family and many of the lives we are intimately connected with here in Argentina. One of the first things we want to do is make necessary updates to our mailing list. So, I would like to ask each of you to do us a favor…

1.    If you were reading this letter, would you let us know? Even sending us a short email simply saying that you read the letter would be enough.  We would enjoy hearing back from you.
2.    If you do not want to be on our list, please let us know that as well. We won't be hurt if you just write to let us know that you would prefer not to receive our letters.
3.    If you think you are on our mailing list by mistake and should be on someone else's in Word Made Flesh, let us know. We will then let the WMF office know and they will make the necessary changes.

For those of you willing to write a little more, here are a few more suggestions.  We would really love to hear back from you in order for us to serve you better and continue to build a bit more intentional community with you.

1.    If you are new to our ministry or recently started receiving our letters, what would you like to know more about? Could you write us an email and let us know how you become involved or found out about the ministry in Buenos Aires?
2.    Also, if you have had a name change since we last met or spoke with you or have moved to another town or state, please clarify that with us.
3.    What things have we written about in the past that has made you feel connected and better able to understand what is happening here in Buenos Aires?  Is there any other way we can better connect you to what we are doing and who we are?
4.    What things have we written about that have not been very helpful?
5.    What things would you like to know more about?
6.    Do you feel that you are connected and important to those we serve among and with here in Buenos Aires?

Our sincerest thanks for those of you, who faithfully read our letters, pray for us, write us and support us financially.  Hopefully this year can be one of greater communication and communion between us.
