March 2011 Prayer Letter

March 2011

Dear Friends,

As I write it is my first day back at the center after four days of staying home sick.  I had some sort of flu virus that seems to have finally turned into just a cold.  I would ask you to pray for me, but I hope that by the time you receive this I’ll already be back to one hundred percent.

On the 21st of this month Ana and I will celebrate our second anniversary.  I know that in the grand scheme of things two years isn’t all that long, but still we’re excited.  In this short time our relationship has changed so much.  We’ve grown to trust each other even more as we get to know each other and learn to serve each other each day.  Please pray for us this month as you have us on your heart.

Several of the children have been missing a lot of days at the center the last few weeks.  I don’t know if it’s just the time of year (the cold, dark days of a long winter), colds and flus making the rounds, or something else entirely.  But it is a pattern that we have noticed.  Please join us in interceding on the children’s behalf.  Pray for their protection and for their health.  Pray that they would hear and respond to the voice of their perfect Father.

Lastly, I have two prayer requests for other staff members.  First of all, Anca is a Romanian that has been on staff with us for the past two years.  She will be doing a short internship with the WMF community in Moldova, staying with them for three months – March, April, and May.  Please pray for her during this time.

And we are also expecting David and Lenuta back from their time of sabbatical at the end of this month.  Pray that they will be kept safe during their travels home and that their time of transition back into normal life here will go well.  Please pray that we will do a good job of welcoming them back home and receiving them anew into our midst.


Paul and Ana

P.S.  Thank you to those of you who took me up on my offer last month and sent news my way via email.  I really do enjoy catching up with all that is happening in your lives.