March 2012

Here we are my loved ones! It is already March, and on the 21st of this month, I will mark my first year anniversary with Word Made Flesh (WMF) – Hard to believe, right?

Over the last few weeks I have been thinking about my role here in the Omahaoffice, how much I treasure it and what it brings to the WMF community as a whole. I was just chatting with a friend, telling her that there are 10 of us in the US that support just around 300 field staff, interns and volunteers worldwide. She was utterly amazed by the notion, which made me recognize even more the importance of my working in the states! I could be serving amongst friends inHaiti or thePhilippines, having an intriguing role and living abroad – But God has called me here for this season – to be a support to our WMF communities worldwide.

Every week I am in touch with field staff from our global communities, helping them work through administrative complications, advocating for them, and spreading news to their families and friends. These folks need a huge support system to continue to make Hope a possibility for our friends battling poverty and injustice. With everything that entails set aside, it is such an honor to be their support. My role is one that strives to create a warm office environment inOmaha, to maintain all-around office organization and efficiency, and to be a creative voice in collaborative projects both in administrative areas and in design. This is simply a summary, because I do much more than that on a daily basis – more than I could ever expound on in a matter of a paragraph.

This note to you brings much happiness to my heart and deep breath, as I reflect on what all I have learned this past year. Even though fundraising has been challenging, I look at all the relationships I have built and the vast ways I have grown, which makes me feel utterly blessed. I have two more years of service here on my initial 3-year commitment. Thankfully, the funds are still trickling in.

For those of you who have supported in prayer and financially, THANK YOU. This year I have found myself sitting in my element – serving women and children facing severe poverty and being a stable, constant support to our staff who are relationally called to serve Jesus even when things sometimes seem impossible in the midst of the journey.


                                                Grace and Peace to Your Hearts,
