The new Suti Sana workshop!
Hello friends!
It´s getting chilly here in the mountains as winter rolls into the Altiplano. Soon we´ll be Stateside though, and we´re super excited about summertime fun with friends and family!
Contract Renewal (yeah!)
Last Fall we asked you to pray along with us for discernment concerning our future here in Bolivia. We are relieved and excited to say that we will be continuing here for a bit longer! Below is an except from our letter to the home office requesting a contract renewal:
Nearly 9 years have passed since we first began service in Bolivia with Word Made Flesh. So much has transpired over the years as we′ve experienced a multitude of joys and trials: our family has grown from 2 to 6 members, idealist passions have been tempered a bit, and through it all, we′ve grown in maturity and humility, learning to submit to brokenness and suffering, both in our own lives and in the
world around us. In the beginning we admit that more than anything our stubbornness (and maybe even pride) kept us persevering on the field. Now, we hope to stay because we′ve found
a home here. We are passionate about our work, fulfilled both in our service and relationships, and still have dreams we′d like to see develop. This was a difficult decision to say the least. For the first
time ever, we felt free to leave; the ministry could survive and grow in our absence. And we struggled deeply with all that this decision could imply for the future of our children. In our heartfelt search though, the Lord clearly confirmed His calling on our lives, and we would be disobedient if we did not respond accordingly. We are deeply devoted to the growth and development of this
ministry and as we′ve mentioned before, have found a beautiful life here. What a journey this has been!
The details of our upcoming sabbatical have finally been approved and we will officially begin this time of rest in August. Before that though, we will be traveling throughout the U.S. visiting family and churches. We will also participate in the WMF Staff Gathering which is held every 3 years. Its an unprecedented time where all U.S. Fleshie staff reunite for much needed renewal, guidance and fellowship. We look forward to seeing many of you soon!
With much gratitude,
The Bolivia Baker´s: Andrés, Andrea, Elias, Lukas, Owen y Asher