May 2010 Prayer Letter

May 2010

Dear Friends,

I just have a few prayer requests to share this month. It’s been a hectic week and my deadline seems to have snuck up on me once again. But I didn’t want to miss this chance to ask for your prayers. I know I don’t say it often enough, but I really do value your prayers. We talk often here about the various ways that folks are involved in our community and the different ways they support us. And I always share about how important it is for me and how much it encourages me to have a group of people that pray regularly for us all here. Thank you so much.

The first of May is a national holiday in Romania and we always have some kind of outing with the children. This year we’re planning a trip to the forest just outside the city to run, play, and grill out. Pray that it will be a joyful time.

The first full week of May (the 3rd through the 9th) will be our annual staff retreat in the mountains of central Romania. Our theme for this year’s retreat is “Community: Place of Theophany.” Pray that our time will be filled with the presence of God. Pray that we will enjoy each other’s presence, as well, for the week. Pray that we will get plenty of rest and be rejuvenated.

And finally, please pray for Ana this month. She’s in her last semester of university and will have final exams this month. Pray for energy. These years of full-time school along with full-time work have taken their toll. Of course, you can add full-time marriage to that equation during this past year. I’m not sure how she does it all, but she does. And we both can’t wait for her to be done. Pray that she will continue to be able to learn and concentrate at school while still serving the children here at the center.


Paul and Ana