May 2011 Prayer Letter


The month of May marks one year since I began work at Word Made Flesh’s International Office in Omaha, Nebraska. There have been many ‘ups’ and very few ‘downs.’ I thank God for blessing my transition into a new city and new community. I also thank you for the prayers and support you’ve provided me over the past twelve months. Thank you!

This one year anniversary marks a financial change for me. As of now, my salary is coming entirely from the generous gifts of my supporters. There is still work to be done on my part in order to insure a healthy support account balance. My goals for the summer months are as follows:

                Add 50 people to my prayer letter mailing list

                Increase monthly support commitments by $300

As you are probably well aware, I am in need of assistance from you in order to reach these both of these goals. If you have not already, I ask that you prayerfully consider supporting Word Made Flesh. Even donations as small as $1.00 add up. Also, if you know of anyone who may be interested in hearing more about the work that WMF is doing all over the world, please pass along their name and contact information, and I would be more than happy to talk with them!

In other very exciting news, I will be traveling to South America this July to visit at least one of the WMF communities. Hilary, a co-worker of mine, and I will visit Bolivia. The community in El Alto, Bolivia has started a small business called Suti Sana. Here is a description of Suti Sana:

Suti Sana is an opportunity for holistic transformation for women working in prostitution in El Alto, Bolivia. Suti Sana is an economic and therapeutic option for these women which seek their emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual restoration. Suti Sana provides alternative employment, which includes a six month therapeutic component. During these six months, participants take family economic and nutrition classes, participate in group and individual therapy, and join in discipleship, bible study, and worship times. They also receive training in professional sewing, and by the end of their training are able to transition into producing beautiful purses full-time.

Over the past few months I have been working with some of the Bolivia staff members to launch Suti Sana as a business. Some of the things I’ve been doing include recording sales, paying sales tax, and registering Suti Sana as a business. Thus, I’m really excited to see firsthand the work going on in El Alto. This will be the first time that I’ve traveled outside the country, so I ask that you pray things go smoothly as I prepare for this visit. I’m looking forward to telling you about my experience!

As always, I am continually grateful for all that you’ve blessed me with, yet there is still a need. Please consider helping me in meeting my two goals. I hope you’re having a wonderful spring! Much love to you all!

Grace and Peace,
