May 2012 Prayer Letter

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.               

 Psalm 51:12


As I write, the air is dense and the ground is wet after a morning thundershower. The distinct post-rain scent has awakened in me a sense of renewal. The grass is a beautiful shade of green and robins have their heads to the ground in search of a meal. The cyclical nature of the seasons is one of the ways that God reveals God’s goodness.

As you’re probably aware, April marks the end of tax season. For me, it’s a chance to step away from the day-to-day busyness of the last five or so months. The Word Made Flesh Administration Department recently filed our government tax report and successfully completed a financial review. A review is basically a smaller version of an audit (which we did last year). I enjoy the preparation and work required during this time of year, but I’m very much looking forward to getting away from the office.

I find it so easy to focus on the details of my job that I lose sight of the bigger picture. And it is a big picture. There is change happening all over the world in all of Word Made Flesh’s communities. God continues to be a shelter when many of our friends are weathering the storms of life on the streets.

This month I’m planning on stepping away from the office for a couple days to go on a personal retreat. I hope to be blessed with a sense of renewal and restoration and have a chance to reflect on the last two years (!) of service with WMF.

Your prayer and financial support have sustained me over the last two years. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! I’m really excited to see where God leads me in this organization as we continue to serve Jesus among some of the most vulnerable of the world’s poor.

With Gratitude,
