More Seasons

April 15, 2010

Dear Friends,

I think I can remember the moment when spring woke her eyes up this year. We went through one of the craziest winters in Omaha’s history and it never seemed like spring was going to arrive. Then one day, bright-eyed and bushy tailed, spring arrived with melting snow and buds poking their heads from the ground.

I am mesmerized by the changing of seasons. Every few months, the plants, the earth, the sky, the temperature and even sometimes the time changes. We are reminded that we are ever-moving and ever-changing. Thankfully there is some consistency even in the midst of the chaos of nature. God and God’s presence.

Our staff serve in situations that are ever-changing and on the edge of chaos all around the world. Not only are they dealing with circumstances and situations overseas in their local countries, they are feeling the ripple effects of what is happening around the world. We know that we can’t fix or stop the tragedies and the state of our world by ourselves. Sometimes we have to be reminded that with or without us, God is going to do God’s work in God’s timing, we just have to be obedient and show up in the capacity that God has called us to.

So, I’m sitting at my desk this rainy April afternoon and reflecting on my past years of service in WMF. Through the ups and downs, the surprises, joys, disappointments and sadness, that we experience in our office and through our overseas community, we hold onto the fact that God is present in this.

Thank you for being reminders of God’s presence in my life. Each time you write a check, send a note, write an email, you remind me that we are doing this together. The way you serve the poor in your financial giving and praying is inspirational and a reminder to me that God is faithful. Thank you for the reminder today.

Gratefully yours,
