My Possessions.

My Dear Friends,

Recently I was looking through my pictures from my Servant Team in 2005. We all look so different, me especially because I decided while I was there to dread my hair (thanks to the wonderful help of Julie and Jesse- my teammates!). If you saw me sometime around then you know what I'm talking about. If not, check out this picture- pretty crazy! These are some friends that I met when I worked at Mother Theresa's Home for the Destitute Poor in Kolkata (Prem Dan). Note all the french braids… as soon as these women and girls learned I could french braid they made a line every morning for me to braid their hair. It was a really beautiful way to connect, it breaks down barriers so quickly when someone gives you permission to touch their head and share that intimacy. It was humbling for me, because I was also asked to pick out and squish the lice eggs, and that is a skill you definitely don't learn at school. 🙂

I'm less than five months away from flying back to Nepal! My pre-departure support is half in, thanks to you! I only have about $2200 more to raise before I will be able to purchase my plane tickets!

The other day I read this verse; "Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." But when the young man heard this statement, he went away grieving; for he was one who owned much property." (Matthew 19:21- 22)

At first I felt pretty good when I read this "Oh yeah, Liz, you're selling everything- all your property. You've got it, girl." Then I heard a Voice ask me; "What are your most valued possessions really, is it your furniture or clothes?" I realized that my most valued 'possessions' are my relationships! If anything in my life would ever cause me to turn away as the young man did, it would be friendships. Would I be able to leave those relationships and walk alone for a time if Jesus asked me to? Maybe someday I would say to Jesus "I choose these people over You." Part of following Jesus means being willing to hold all things, including relationships, with open hands. I think we all have things in our lives that we hold onto, things that become our 'property'. It's hard to be open to change, transition, and even the loss of friendships and be willing to follow Jesus wherever He calls, whether that is in the States or in Kathmandu.

For me, right now, 'selling my possessions' means being willing to say goodbye to family and friends. It's hard and I've been feeling sad thinking about all the things I will miss being overseas. Who will get engaged/married/have children? What about graduations and birthdays and parties? It's hard to leave home, no matter how much of a free spirit you are or how excited you are to move!

While I was struggling with this idea of leaving and change, I stumbled on "Romance" by St John of the Cross, a poem about the example Jesus gave us of leaving His home to find us here on earth. It reminds me that He knows exactly the way my heart feels. This is the part I loved most, where Jesus talks to God about us…

"I will go seek my bride and take upon myself her weariness and labors in which she suffers so; and that she may have life, I will die for her, and lifting her out of that deep, I will restore her to you."

I guess the best I can do, we can do, is to be open to follow His example, wherever that takes us. I'm thankful for my community as I prepare to make a big transition, and thankful for your awesome continued support. Thank you for asking me about Nepal in your e-mails, cards, and when I see you! If you feel called to share financially in this journey, please use the card enclosed or check out, “Support.”

Hope and Joy,