Noah Tullay's Prayer Letter

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leafs also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper. Psalm 1:1-3

November 15, 2012

Dear sister and brothers in Christ,

I bring you greetings for Kroo Bay and family and friends in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

It brings me great joy when I think of you, the support and prayers you guys have been given me over the years.

Things I am to be thankful for:

  1. I am so thankful to God for the opportunity I have to serve among the people of Kroo Bay, I enjoy it every time. In spite of the difficulties in the bay people are so friendly. There smiles are so welcoming.
  2. I really want to thank God for Kroo Bay; you all know that Sierra Leone was badly affected by cholera and almost 300 of people died in and around Freetown, most analyst thought a lot of people will die in Kroo Bay based on the poor sanitation. To God be the glory only one person died from cholera in the bay, we are so thankful to God for saving lives in the bay in times of difficulties.
  3. At the start of this year, I was longing to get closer to more kids in the bay and their families. As we get to the end of the year I have see myself build more relationship and stronger ones too. I am so thankful for that.
  4. I am thankful for the way my relationship with my boys is growing; they are Remie, Saidu, Mohamed Ali and Noah’s boy. They are doing well in general as they are growing in age. We understand ourselves more, which I am grateful to God for because we have come a long way.
  5. In my last update I told you about one of our Light house youth who was mentally sick, he has been healing and he is doing great. He went to the beach this past Saturday to play Frisbee. I am so thankful to God for His healing power also to you for praying and our wonderful staff who where there for him.
  6. Word Made Flesh has being in Sierra Leone for 10 years since the first missionary came to Freetown to establish the organization. I am so grateful to God for having me be a part of this great work he is doing in this part of his vineyard.
  7. I want to thank God for Florence, how helpful she been to me and my work with Word Made Flesh. Even though she is no longer on staff with us, she has been helpful and supportive to me and our boys. Over the years she has help the boys in different ways; in their schooling, cooking for them and she is so willing to opening our house to them. Two weeks ago she went with us on a retreat (WMFSL) which I was so happy about.

Prayer request

  1. Sierra Leone is going to the polls on Saturday, 17 November, for our third democratic election after the 11 year war. Tension has been rising from all the political parties and every one of them wants to win the election.  I am confident, as most Sierra Leonean that we are going to have peaceful election. Please pray that the election goes well.
  2. We have a girl who we are support with schooling. We are hoping that she will come to the Light house program. She has not been doing well of late; she has not been going to school also not sleeping at home sometimes. I have tried talking to her a lot but it difficult for me to understand what her problem is. She lives in the bay with are aunt. Please pray for her that things go well.
  3. Please pray for Noah’s boy he has been doing well in school and he is doing well for the most part. But he has not been sleeping at the office for the past two days and also has not been coming to tutoring. We have seen his life change a lot since he came to our program.  Please remember him in your prayers.
  4. Pleas pray for me and one of our light house girl and her family who live in the bay. Someone gave us (WMFSL) $500 to spend on flood related issue in the bay, so we chose her family because they were badly affected during the rains. The house they are living in is not theirs so we did not want to invest the money to improve the house and at the end of the day have the landlord raise the rent or ask them out. Also someone has given them a piece of land to build on but we are not sure about it. Another option is to find a place for them outside the bay. Please pray that God help us as we look for what best for them.
  5. For the past three month I’ve seen my support account emptying. In September our administrator told me that I am in a red. There are two reasons for this drop that I can see. First, I was not writing prayer letters and saw a decrease in giving. Second, the amount of taxes I need to pay out of my support account has more than doubled. I am asking you to continue to give to me to help me support my family.
  6. Sabbatical preparation-As you know I have been planning a lot about my sabbatical for 2013 and I am excited about it and I believe God that it will happen. I will be sending my draft plan and budget in a few weeks time. In these draft; I will be telling you of what importance it will be for you to invest in my sabbatical. And of what importance it will be to my family and community. Thank for your support and prayers over the years.

With love and respect,

Noah Tullay