November 1999 Prayer Letter

   Dear Loved Ones,

Let me begin by thanking you for your prayers and support. Each of you, who receive this letter, is an important part of our lives. In many ways, you are our family. We thank God for you. We consider your life a gift from our eternal Father. We treasure you.

I'm happy to inform you of yet another book that Chris was asked to write for, on behalf of the poor. This summer, Power, Holiness and Evangelism was released—a book on rediscovering God's purity, power and passion for the lost. Compiled by Randy Clark, the book includes contributing authors such as Gordon D. Fee, Mark Nysewander, and Stephen A. Seamands. Chris contributed chapter 6, “Discovering Holiness in Ministry Among the Poor.” This is available for purchase from the Word Made Flesh website ( on the “Resources” page.

At the end of September, four of us from our office and a board member and his wife made a trip to Romania to meet with our Director of Community Development, David Chronic. From Romania, we took a train to Istanbul for a time of retreat together and spent about 25 hours in administrative planning meetings. We covered several very important issues concerning the development of Word Made Flesh as a mission, movement, and community. Our thanks go out to all of you who were praying for us during this time.

Following the retreat, we were then able to spend a few days in Galati, Romania where David lives and works with street children and children with AIDS. We were encouraged and challenged once again by David's example of sacrifice and simplicity. Being with the children is always an inspiration to persevere in this calling God has given us to make His Word flesh among the poor. Their lives and souls are worth everything we have to give. It is a joy to know them and serve them. Let me encourage you to be informed about children in crisis around the world and issues of justice. You will be blessed as you enter into their lives. (For information on resources to help keep you informed, call or e-mail our office.)

In November we are going to Lima, Peru for about 10 days. We will be leading a small Discovery Team and offering support and encouragement for our staff on the field there working with street children. This summer they've experienced intense grief at the unjust death of 2 of the kids they've come to know and love, Carlos and Mudo.

Finally, I want to ask you to be in prayer for us as we enter into a new phase. In February, Chris and I will be moving to Lima for 6 months. We have been encouraged to take this step at this time for deeper community development within Word Made Flesh, as well as a time for deliberate reflection on the last 3 years. Our board is calling it a “working sabbatical”. We will be living and working with our staff stationed in Lima, taking language study, spending concentrated time with the street children, and taking much needed time for Chris to pursue his gift of writing. We will come back to the states for a short time in the spring for our board meeting, returning to Lima for the duration of the summer. We plan to keep in close contact with the office through e-mail, so as to continue in our administrative role.

Enclosed you will find a photo of Chris with some of the children from the home in India. Parameswari, Sindujah, and Divya had fun this summer playing with Chris and decorating his head with coconut leaves! They are such a delight! Thank you for remembering all of the little ones in your prayers.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you and guide you in every area of your life.

Gratefully yours,

Phileena Heuertz