November 20, 2006

Hello All!

We wanted to write and update you on our progress to this point.  On Thurs. afternoon we arrived safely in Boston, with a nearly perfect flight up (thank you for all your prayers through that!).  Friday morning we began some preliminary testing, with an EEG, lab tests and a thorough meeting with the Epileptologist.  This Wednesday we are on stand-by for an MRI (pray that we get in!) and follow-up lab tests.  Then next Monday we will have Luke stay in the hospital for 2-3 days, without meds, while the doctors monitor him.  SO, we need you to pray that Luke would show some seizure activity during that time!  As much as we don’t wish for Luke to have another seizure, it would help the physicians here immensely if they could see what is actually happening.  Since we’re only here for a limited time, this is kind of a one-shot deal.

So far, we’ve nothing definitive yet, but there are a few leads that the doctors are following up on.  We feel assured that everyone here is doing all that they can to care for Luke and figure this out.  They’ve even been thorough enough to consider the medications that will be available to us in Bolivia.  So, we’re still in a waiting game, but are more than content with the care we’re receiving.  Thank you for praying with us through this process.

Please also pray for little Eli, who has been taking all this like a little trooper.  But it’s also apparent that the changes are wearing on him.  So pray that he too would find respite in the midst of this.  As for mom & dad, we would like to see some answers as to what is causing all of this – and find some rest in the end.  We greatly appreciate all of you who are praying for our family and walking with us.

All our love,
A2 for the Bakers