November 2002 Prayer Letter

  Dear Friends,

Omaha is officially home.

It was way back on August 20 that Phileena and I (along with Brent and Daphne from the WMF office) packed the moving truck in Wilmore, Kentucky and started our journey. Since then so much has happened….

” Phileena and I stayed in temporary housing (living out of boxes and backpacks) for a month while our apartment was being renovated
” The WMF Administrative staff worked out of Daphne's apartment (a.k.a. “the WMF Shadow Office”) while we were having renovations done at the new WMF Omaha office
” Phileena and I moved into our apartment on September 19
” I took trips to Washington, DC (September 28-30) and Orlando, Florida (October 3-7) where I spoke at churches and retreats
” On October 17 we officially opened the WMF Omaha office with a great reception
” From October 31-November 2 we had our first WMF board of directors meeting in Omaha.

These past few months have been full of transition but through it all we've sensed the leading of God's Spirit and the confirmation that we are in the right place. We want to thank you all for helping us during these days. Your prayers, encouragement, notes, and kindness have sustained us when times were difficult.

Now that we're starting to feel settled in Phileena and I once again are scheduled to leave on November 8 for almost 7 weeks in South/South East Asia. As we prepare to leave for Asia we really need your continued prayers.

” November 8-16 Bangkok, Thailand: WMF recently established a presence in this city with the hopes to begin work among its sexually exploited children. We hope that our time in Bangkok will be a refreshment to our new staff in this city as they've begun their first terms overseas.
” November 17-30 Chennai, India: Phileena and I will be visiting the WMF children's homes, our WMF India staff, and the WMF India board of directors. I will also be teaching 2 courses at Lakeview Bible College and Seminary (formerly Madras College of Evangelism).
” December 1-7 Calcutta, India: The WMF Calcutta staff are also in the process of beginning a new work among child prostitutes in Calcutta. While in the city we will spend time with the full-time staff and Calcutta Servant Team. We also hope to begin to work out the details for creating a sustainable response to sexual exploitation of children in the city.
” December 8-16 Kathmandu, Nepal: Since our last trip to Nepal the WMF staff there have also initiated work among street children and sexually exploited children. While in Kathmandu we'll visit the WMF home for destitute women, spend time with our WMF staff and Kathmandu Servant Team, and meet with the WMF Nepal board of directors.
” December 17-21 Los Angeles, California: On our return to the USA we'll spend a couple days in southern California reconnecting with local friends as well as with Walter and Adriana Forcatto (WMF Peru Field Directors) who will be visiting family for Christmas.

As we go we feel strongly that we take each one of you with us. As you pray for us and with us as we travel, we know that God's work will be accomplished through each of us. Please remember to pray for our health, safe travel, that all the logistics of getting around Asia would work themselves out, and especially pray that Phileena and I would sense the nearness of God throughout our trip as we trust He will refresh our vision and expose us to new areas of His heart.

We so appreciate and love you all. We'll look forward to hearing from you and we thank you in advance for your prayers.

Take it slow, keep it simple, and bless God.

Chris Heuertz