November 2003 Prayer Letter


Dear Beloved Friends,

Greetings from delightful Omaha in autumn. The temperature is cooling down and the leaves are changing color from green to yellow and red. The sky has been delighting us with the color of deep blue and changing cloud patterns. This is a nice time of year to be in town.

At the beginning of October we hosted our fall board meetings. It was an incredible time with 8 interviews for WMF field staff and 8 commissioning. We were graced with the sweet presence of Jesus during our evening meetings of worship and communion together. I think all who were present were refreshed and encouraged. We are so thankful for a committed board of directors who make personal sacrifices to serve the community of WMF.

This year has been amazing. We're approaching the eleventh month of 2003 and Chris and I have already visited 12 countries spending time with some of the most despised and rejected children in the world. The United Nations reports that this is “the most abused, battered and exploited generation of children that has ever lived.” Sadly, this reality seems confirmed in our visits around the world.

In all of these places, we witness children's lives torn apart. Childhood stolen by poverty, exploitation, and war. But, in all of these places, we also witness the lives of young people laid down as an act of worship to Jesus. This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. 1John 3:16

In July we had the privilege of returning to Sierra Leone. The Landreths have recently pioneered a WMF presence in the war-torn city of Freetown. In my last letter I mentioned a little girl who we met in Freetown two years ago and all who is left of her family in Sierra Leone. We were able to be reconnected with her and her sister and cousins during our visit and had some precious moments together. We learned more of the tragedy these children have lived and continue to feel very responsible for them. Currently WMF staff in Sierra Leone are doing all that they can to see that the girls' basic needs are met. I really appreciate your prayers for them. One of the girls desires to be doctor and we have seen some terrific opportunities open up before her. Still there are many obstacles. So we are praying that God would continue to make a way for her. All the girls, Veronica, Victoria, Patience, and Emelia all need our prayers. They represent thousands of children who have been orphaned and brutalized by war.

Enclosed please find a photo of Abigail. Abigail is Patience's daughter who was conceived during the war. She is about 4 years old living in an overcrowded dilapidated shack with a dirt floor and tarps for walls that neglect to keep out the rain. The day this picture was taken Abigail had come down with malaria fever. Everyday is a fight for life for these destitute children who have been stripped of all security that guards childhood and promises provision for needs.

September took us to Romania. WMF Romania has been developing since 1997 under the service and leadership of David Chronic. The WMF missionaries there are doing an incredible job ministering to the street children in the city of Galati. And one couple is preparing to start taking in teenage boys into their own home who desire to get off the street. It is so inspiring to be around the WMF staff and see how their lives surrendered to the King and His Kingdom leads to the transformation of individuals and even whole communities.

Below please find our updated fall/winter itinerary, including a detailed itinerary for our field visit to South and Southeast Asia.

As always, Chris and I want to thank you for your sacrificial financial support and for your prayers and intercession. WMF continues to grow and as it does Chris and I too need to grow in wisdom and discernment. We thank God for raising up more and more young people who desire to give their lives to the poor in service to Jesus. It is Chris and my greatest joy to serve this community and to witness the cries of the poor answered.

With all our gratitude,

Phileena Heuertz

Chris & Phileena's Updated Fall/Winter Itinerary 2003

October 20 and 21Jackson, Mississippi: Chris speaks at Belhaven College

December 2-January 6 South & Southeast Asia: Field visits

Dec 2-12 Bangkok, Thailand
Dec 12-19 Kathmandu, Nepal
Dec 19-23 Kolkata, India
Dec 23-31 Chennai, India
Dec 31-Jan 4 Colombo, Sri Lanka