November 2004





“Be still and know that I am God.”


Dear friends,

Early in October I took a weekend retreat of solitude and silence which is something I try to do twice a year. For some reason, this one just seemed a lot more of a struggle than usual. I just wasn't having any major revelations. Then it hit me that I usually base everything on my feelings and since I wasn't feeling anything super-spiritual I figured my time of solitude wasn't really what it should have been. I kept asking the Lord to speak and heard nothing, felt nothing, just my own breath and the chirping of the birds in the bushes nearby.

All that to say, I came away with one thing imprinted on my mind from this weekend: I must not base my actions on feelings but on faith. And that's why I must continue to take times to listen, not because it always “feels” good or exciting or supernatural. Simply because I believe that God is waiting for me to come, any day, any time, and He delights to have me all to Himself if I quiet myself and take time to listen and be still.

Henri Nouwen is one who speaks to me on this topic:

“A spiritual life requires discipline because we need to learn to listen to God, who constantly speaks but whom we seldom hear. When, however, we learn to listen, our lives become obedient lives. The word 'obedient' comes from the Latin word audire, which means 'listening' … Jesus' life was a life of obedience. He was always listening to the Father, always attentive to his voice, always alert for this directions. Jesus was 'all ear.' That is true prayer: being all ear for God. The core of all prayer is indeed listening, obediently standing in the presence of God.”

Making silence and a solitude a regular discipline in my life is really tough, especially since many of my days are 12 hours of non-stop interaction with people of all ages. But I know that I can't do without it such times of solitary silence. This is where I am fed and find inspiration to continue to walk by faith, trusting God for all the problems I have no solution for.

Please keep me in prayer this month concerning:

Travel to Istanbul Nov. 1-7 with the Servant Team, David and Viorel. This is an exploratory trip for Viorel as he seeks to make contacts in Istanbul and prepares to respond to God's call to serve in Turkey. The trip will also serve as a visa run and team retreat for the Servant Team. Pray for safety in travel and for Viorel to make solid contacts there for future ministry in Istanbul. The boys in Micro 19 continue to touch my heart as I get to know them better. These are teen boys who have no discipline or structure to their lives and are almost all addicted to drugs. Pray for us to have wisdom and patience as we seek to earn their trust, establish some structure for them and try to integrate them into the program at the drop-in center in hopes that their lives will be transformed by the love of Christ. Travel to India and Nepal with Nina, educator and art teacher at the drop-in center. I am planning a three week field visit in January during which Nina and I will visit and learn from the WMF staff in India and Nepal. Check out the webpage to learn more about the ministry in these countries among children, street boys, child prostitutes and elderly women. Pray for the details to come together for this trip as we prepare for this time. Continue to pray for volunteers to come and help us tutor the school children with their homework. God provided miraculously by bringing Magda Clopotel to us, our newest volunteer who will likely come on staff soon. She is extremely capable and works well with the children. However, there are over twenty school children, many who need individual help with their homework. So pray that God will continue to provide dedicated volunteers like Magda.

Once again, thank you for your prayers and support. You are a vital part of this ministry.

With love,

Rachel Simons

O.P. 6 C.P. 256

Galati, 800.760


*I still have not recovered all the email addresses that I lost when my computer croaked early this year. So if your are interested in hearing from me by email for special prayer requests, just drop me a note.

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves liked locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then, gradually, live along some distant day into the answer.”

Rainer Maria Rilke

(In”When the Heart Waits” by Sue Monk Kidd)