November 2008

November 2008


Dear Friends and Family,


Recently one of the teenagers who frequents the Valley House here in Galaţi was talking to one of our staff workers, Ana.  He was smiling an unusual amount that day, so Ana asked him how he was feeling.  He said, "Happy," and then upon being asked why, responded, "Because I just took a shower!"  After this dialogue was repeated to me later, I was particularly struck by the many things I am learning as I serve among the poor.  When I encounter situations like this one, for example, I am convicted of my discontentment and inability to be thankful for the blessings that are poured on me each day.  This young man, however, is teaching me to be thankful: to rejoice in soap and in hot water, to savor the grapes and apples that are so plentiful right now and to delight in the beauty of God's creation as the sunny days of autumn pass by one by one. 


I didn't intend to write my November prayer letter on the topic of thanksgiving, but it is, fittingly, the subject about which God has been continually speaking to me over the past month.  I've been reading the book of Numbers recently, an account that tells the story of an ungrateful people.  After being gloriously redeemed out of slavery and oppression in Egypt, the people of Israel are led by God through the desert toward a promised land, "a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey" (Exodus 3:8, NIV).  Each day, they receive a portion of manna, a type of food that satisfied their daily need for nourishment.  The people, however, start to complain: "The rabble with them began craving other food, and again the Israelites started wailing and said, 'If only we had meat to eat!  We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost-also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic.  But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!'" (Numbers 11:4-6, NIV). 


Reflecting upon this passage, I began to think about my ungratefulness and my cravings for earthly things.  Not only has God promised to give us enough, but He has delivered us from a life of slavery into a life of fullness.  We have been redeemed and given wholeness in the Kingdom of God, and yet our tendency is to continually crave that which pales in comparison to what we have at hand.  Eugene Peterson's translation of Romans puts it this way, "They traded the glory of God who holds the whole world in his hands for cheap figurines you can buy at any roadside stand" (Romans 1:23, The Message).  How often have I settled for cheap figurines or the food of Egypt when the glory of God, the creator of the universe, stands within arm's reach? 


Saint Irenaeus (a second century bishop in what is now France) once said, "The glory of God is man fully alive."  I think I saw a glimpse of the glory of God that day when I heard about the young man who was beaming with thanksgiving after taking a hot shower.  The suffering he returns to each evening is beyond what most of us can imagine, yet he understands what it means to live fully, embracing and rejoicing in the provision of God in the present.  His example continues to teach me.


This past month at Word Made Flesh has been full as we continue to plunge ahead into the fall school semester.  In addition to my activities at the Valley House, I also took two trips to Moldova.  The first was our exploratory trip for those of us who are praying about being a part of a new Word Made Flesh field in this neighboring country.  We met with several organizations, both in the capital city, Chişinău, and in nearby villages, that are working among the poor of Moldova.  We met wonderful people who have all sorts of projects, ranging from day centers for handicapped children to a home for women who are finding freedom from trafficking and prostitution to after-school programs for children who are in situations of risk.  We left Moldova both overwhelmed by the darkness we observed there but also encouraged by the beautiful things that are being done by God's people.  We found hope in the midst of pain.  We are continuing to pray about our involvement in this country but feel that God is definitely leading us in this way. 


The other trip I took to Moldova this month was with Josh and Robin Fowler and the four servant team members who are with us now.  Because they needed to leave Romania in order to renew their temporary visas, we decided to spend a weekend in Moldova.  We had a great time taking in the beauty of the tree-lined streets and parks of Chişinău, exploring certain art markets and candy stores and in general just enjoying each other's company.  I was also able to see several old friends while I was there on this visit. 

As many of you know, my daily involvement at the Valley House has been recently focused on three of our youngest children.  Each day I spend time with S., R. and C. talking, playing, reading, writing and doing math.  They are in grades 4, 3 and 2, respectively, but are all very behind in their learning.  I am using the first grade manual for both reading and math as a guide for all of them.  But despite many reasons for us to be discouraged, all three of them are doing well as they learn to read and to do basic arithmetic.  God has been good as He is teaching them that they are smart and full of dignity, created in His image.  Although the world tells these precious children that they are not good enough and will never be able to learn (because of their race, economic background or whatever), we are seeing them growing and smiling and learning.  We praise God for this.


I want to thank you all this month for your support which I feel continually.  Please feel free to email me with prayer requests or just to let me know how you are doing.  I would love to hear from you!








1.  Pray specifically for my time with S., R. and C.  Ask that God would open their minds to the things that they are learning and that they might rejoice in the progress they are making.  Also pray for their home situations as each one comes from a place of much darkness.  While many kids go home to loving parents and a warm bed, these children are greeted by other things at the front door.  Ask God to bring redemption to their families and to also give them grace to be rested and prepared for each new day.


2.  Continue to pray for us as we consider planting a new field in Moldova.  Ask God to give us clarity of vision and discernment both to us as individuals but also to Word Made Flesh as a whole.  Also pray that God would be calling Moldovans to this new community.


3.  We are currently in need of a social worker and an accountant in order to continue functioning as a legal organization in Romania.  Please pray for our staff who are a part of this search and that the needed people would be found in a timely manner.


4.  Pray for the Klepac family as they are away on medical leave in the States for their son Simeon.  They are making some really big decisions regarding his health, so ask God to give them peace and wisdom during this time.  They will be gone until at least after Christmas.


; Please visit, click on "Romania" and then "prayer requests" in order to see our community's requests that are updated monthly.  Also, if you would like to be a part of my prayer support team, please send me an email at  I send out periodic updates with more details as to how you can be praying for us.


Some Notes from Daily Life:


*          I recently saw The Romanian Piano Trio ( in concert in Galaţi and was encouraged by the energy and creativity with which they played.  I hope that more emerging artists continue to make appearances here in Eastern Romania!


*          I recently moved!  I am now living at the Valley House in a bedroom on the second floor.  So far I am enjoying this change as I am just a short walk from downtown and am living in the same neighborhood as most of the kids who come each day.


*          See for more updates.



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