November 2009 Prayer Letter

November 2009

Dear Friends,

We have added quite a few new children in the last two weeks. I thought about giving you their names to add to your list, but there are so many it would make your list a bit messy. So I decided to give you an updated list. Don’t worry. I promise not to do this every month…


1st – Larisa, Samira

2nd – Mihaela, Iulia

3rd – Cristina, Denisa, Rosalinda

6th – Ana, Flori

7th – Geanina, Ionela, Lavinia

8th – Daniela

9th – Cati, Eleni, Marcela

10th – Alina


1st – Florin F, Ionut

2nd – Vasile M, Victor

3rd – Adi, Recard, Sicander

4th – Cristi

5th – Florin M, Marian, Robert, Silviu, Stefan, Valentin

6th – Alin, Cristian, Dorinel, Vasile V

7th – Florin R, George

8th – Daniel

9th – Elvis

10th – Mircea

As you can see, I went ahead and added the four youth (Alina, Daniela, Mircea, and Cristian) that are attending special schools. Again, it just makes the list a bit easier to use. Please pray for all these children regularly. Pray for their time at school and here at the center. Pray for their time at home. Nearly all of these children come from situations at home that are desperate in one way or another. Please pray for healing and restoration. Pray for the life of Jesus to fill each one.

I apologize that this letter is so short, especially since it’s mostly a repeat of last month. I would give you the excuse that I’m really busy, but, as you all know well, life is always busy. Every month I tell myself that this month I’m going to plan ahead and give myself time for a longer letter. And almost every month I find that time has flown, the deadline has arrived, and I am squeezing in my letter at the last minute. Maybe next month will finally be the month I plan ahead, maybe not. But I do thank you for always encouraging me and for always giving me so much grace. Know that you are loved and greatly appreciated. Happy Autumn!


Paul and Ana