November 2010 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends,

If you’ve read all of my letters for the past year or so then you’re probably tired of hearing about transition. I know I’m tired of writing about it! But more changes are coming our way and I want to let you know about them so you can pray.

We have known for a couple of months now that Bela and April Ispas were planning an extended trip back to the U.S. for the birth of their first baby. But a couple weeks ago they let us know that they have decided not return to Galati after the baby is born. This is sad news for us as a community. Bela has served with us for over ten years and April for the last three. Please pray for them. Pray that their child will be protected and healthy. Pray that their transition to the U.S. will go well.

There are three other recent changes that I’m really excited to share with you. In the midst of so many staff members leaving these past few months, we have just hired three new Romanian staff members. All three of them arrive with a clear calling on their lives to serve among the poor and with hearts full of love for Jesus. They have already been an encouragement to us “old folks.” Please pray for Oana (social worker), Claudia (educator), and Bogdan (administrator) as they integrate into our community.

The last two things I want to share this month are not appropriate for me to put out into cyberspace. As you may or may not know, in addition to these letters being sent out in paper form through the mail, I also post them each month on the Word Made Flesh website. But that means that literally anyone in the world can find my letters and read them. Normally, that would be fine, but the following few paragraphs aren’t for just anyone. So if you happen to only read my letters online, please email me directly if you would like this particular letter in its entirety.


Paul and Ana