November 2011 Prayer Letter

Dear friends and family,

Investing in Hope. That’s a phrase that has been in my mind for much of the last week. As I ponder the depth of these three words, I’ll share my thoughts.

Word Made Flesh makes the audacious claim that we are investing in hope. Much of what WMF communities around the globe do is motivated by the idea of giving hope to the hopeless. Whether that’s giving women enslaved in the sex industry a holistic alternative to life in brothels or serving children who live on the streets by providing safe environments that encourage their development, WMF is in the industry of hope.

The Word Made Flesh community invests time and energy in places and among people who have been victimized by gross injustices; people who have legitimate reasons to doubt the existence or goodness of God. It is among some of the most vulnerable of the world’s poor that we invest in hope, hope in a better world and hope in Christ.

As you’re well aware WMF cannot operate without the prayer and financial partnerships of others. We pride ourselves in the fact that the average gift we receive is less than $50. Being the person who processes every one of these donations, I can tell you it takes a lot of $10, $20, and $50 donations to fund an organization that is serving in eleven countries around the world. There are a lot of very generous people that believe in the work God is doing through us; a lot of people that have invested in hope in a seemingly small way. But as we all know, many small acts of kindness can make a big difference.

Will you invest in hope?


I have a couple prayer requests this month:

  • My boss Liz and her husband Calvin are having their first child in mid-November. Please pray that all goes well for them.
  • Please also pray for me as I will be the only person in our Administration Department while Liz is on maternity leave. The end of the year is my busiest time of year, and I will need all the help I can get.
  • I am on the verge of meeting my support-raising goals. Please pray that the funds I need to continue serving with WMF would be provided.

As always, thank you so much for taking the time to read my letters. I have gained such an appreciation for the network of people God has blessed me with.

With Gratitude,

Jeff Swart