November Prayer Letter

November 2009


I will build them up and not tear them down. I will plant them and not uproot them. I will give them the heart to know me, for I am YHWH. They will be my people and I will be their God. Jer. 24:6-7


Hey everyone!


A couple minutes ago, all of us here in the office were on the phone with two of the staff members in Kolkata, India. Well, actually we were video skyping which is way more interactive and entertaining! So, seven of us huddled into one of the office spaces, around a Mac computer and we talked to Beth and Kyle as they sat in their living room twelve time zones away. We were participating in a WMF Fast Day (1st and 15th of each month). On these days, we connect with one of the fields, pray for their requests and share a simple meal from that country.


I wanted to share this with you because it is a way that we are able to be in solidarity with the staff, communities and the poor. The practice of solidarity is really important for me; it represents unity with those whom I am in community with when I am not able to be physically present. I have talked about this in previous letters but I want to continue to address it because I think your solidarity with me, the people and mission of WMF is just as important.


I ask that you remember me.

Please pray that I might have a greater awareness of God’s presence and love in my life. In my head, I know God is near to me; in my heart, I seek consolation through God’s presence.

I ask that you remember Kolkata.

Sari Bari is the for-profit business WMF established in the red-light districts of Kolkata. At Sari Bari, ladies, who formerly prostituted for income, are trained and employed to make beautiful blankets and bags. Through this, women come to know their true identity! 19 new ladies are in their third month of training!

Check out WMF Kolkata at:!

I ask that you remember WMF.

As we build community with one another, we learn a lot about ourselves and how God works within, about and beyond us. We commit to make known the love of God and the joy of salvation through Jesus Christ.


Support Account Update. I had another really great month financially; there is still a need for monthly sponsors. Please continue to consider how you might be able to give. Thank you!


THANK YOU, THANK YOU and THANK YOU! I love the support circle that encompasses me. It is a gift to invite you into this and to see your response. I hope you experience solidarity with the people of WMF.

