November Prayer Letter

15 November 2008


Dear Friends,


Monday of this week Chris and I had the privilege of meeting 80 year old Jean Vanier-founder of the L'Arche.


In the 1950's after young Vanier left the British Navy, he slowly found his way into friendship with two men, Philippe and Raphael. Philippe and Raphael had lived in a dismal institution most of their lives because of their mental disabilities. Vanier believed life with them, rooted in friendship would be mutually life-giving and determined to make a home with them.


He said this week, making home with these two men was an irreversible act. There was no turning back no matter how challenging the road ahead would be. The vision that Vanier had grabbed hold of, took hold of him and he found himself on “the road to holiness.” Like all visions of transformation, it wasn't long before others flocked to it. And nearly 60 years later L'Arche has established over 130 homes in 34 countries.


A gentle giant of sorts Vanier towers over the average person but he has been transformed from a dominant soldier to a meek servant. As I introduced myself to him, he held my hand and looked into my eyes. In his embrace was the pure love of God-a love that has gripped him through relationships with some of the most vulnerable people in the world. Vanier says that those we want to look after are the ones who heal us.


Vanier has been a mentor from afar for WMF. We've read many of his books over the years searching for language that would offer meaning for the same “road to holiness” we have found ourselves walking. Vanier's life and example of goodness points to the only One who is good and inspires us all to continue on the narrow way that Christ invites us to travel.


The narrow way is one of transformation and freedom and few find it. Patrick and Victoria Samuel in Chennai have found it and live it daily. Yesterday I received an email from them indicating that though they are in their 60s and most people their age would be thinking of retirement, Patrick and Victoria have made room in their hearts for two more young children and just in time for Christmas- Mary and her brother Joseph have found room in the WMF home.


As we enter the season of advent, may we all make room in our hearts and lives for Christ in His distressing disguise; and through these relationships find greater depths of freedom and transformation.


Chris and I are still responsible for and committed to raising our full support for salary, travel and other work-related expenses. Your sacrificial gifts make our vocation possible. As we enter a new year, we hope you will be able to renew your monthly pledge or make a special donation to help us maintain our financial needs. Another way you can support us and the message of WMF is for you to consider sending your loved ones a copy of Chris' book, Simple Spirituality: Learning to See God in a Broken World. Order it at


Thank you for partnering with us, for your friendship and for your prayers.


Peace to you,

Chris & Phileena