
Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you.

I can’t say it enough or express it adequately. Here’s an update from Strada Diminieţii…

Our summer months were spent at a camp for children from the state-run boarding school/orphanage (internat in Romanian) just south of Chişinău. The kids didn’t respond very well to our outlined program, so we brought games, string for bracelets, assorted balls for volleyball, basketball, and soccer, and drawing supplies. Side-by-side, we listened to their stories while playing UNO, bumping the volleyball, and making friendship bracelets.

This school year we are going to the same internat four days per week. Of the 18 kids in the fourth grade class we worked with last year, only 10 of those kids remain at this school. Many of the kids who didn’t return are now with their parents or relatives. Walking through the gate the first week of September was a joy as we reunited with kids we’d worked with last year as well as kids we’d met this summer.

In July I got to visit the US. Two weeks were spent in Nebraska for a Word Made Flesh conference. I walked away from that time inspired by the work my colleagues are committed to in other parts of the world. Our hearts ache for the redemption of our friends who suffer, but I also heard many stories of hope and encouragement to move forward. I invite you to listen and watch videos from our US staff gathering via our WMF website here.  I was challenged to sink into this place and call it home – not only build deep relationships with people within the ministry, but also to look for reasons to love where I live.

Coming back to the internat, my heart is heavy and overwhelmed with the needs of the kids. They are starved for attention and boundaries and consistency and love. Inadequate in the face of such need, these words from 2 Corinthians bring me comfort: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” God doesn’t make me perfect, but he does use the weakling I am to further His kingdom…to let to kids know that He sees and loves them.

For praying people, here are some specifics:

  • Yea Gods:
    • The kids we work with! We met more children who attend this internat through the camp this summer. Praise God for those new friendships.
    • All of our team enjoyed some time with family this summer, and we are all together again.
    • FOR YOU!!! My time in the States was very encouraging! I was able to spend time with family and friends in Iowa (and NE and DC). My brother and his wife even drove 14 hours from Texas to visit!
    • We have the opportunity again this year to work with the same internat.

  • Prayer needs:
    • The children with whom we work at the internat. Pray they will know God’s love and that we can be instruments of His grace. Pray that God will give us wisdom and patience and understanding to best serve the kids. Pray that the children would be placed into loving, caring families.
    • Pray for the unity of our team, please.
    • Pray for the process of official registration of our organization to go smoothly and quickly. We began that process this month.
    • Please pray for me and my language learning…please.

Mulţumesc cu toate inima mea…thank you from the bottom of my heart,
