October 2000

Dear Friends and Family,

The past few months have been very exciting for us.  So many of you have responded with encouragement and love concerning our move to Bolivia this coming summer.  We want you to know how much your support means to us.  We have felt nothing but confirmation from God and His people.  Thank you for being a part of that.

As we begin our transition onto the mission field, we are challenged in balancing our present responsibilities with our future preparations.  As a youth pastor, Andy is busy investing in the lives of our youth, who keep him moving all hours of the day!  Andrea is working hard in seminary, teaching piano and volunteering at church as much as possible. In our hearts and minds, we are preparing for life overseas, which continues to be a rewarding yet trying process.  However, as we learn more about God’s heart for the poor and marginalized, we are compelled to respond further to their need.

For those of you who have asked about partnering with us in ministry, we are truly humbled.  We need your prayers most of all.  In each decision we make, we are seeking the Lord’s wisdom and guidance.  Please see the enclosed list for specific prayer requests.  We are also depending on outside financial support.  If you would like to be a part of our ministry in this way, gifts can be sent to Word Made Flesh.  Enclosed is a slip of paper and an envelope that can be used to direct contributions to our ministry fund. Please know how very honored we are that you might choose to give.  We desire to be responsible and worthy in every way of your generosity.

In leaving we are reminded of the importance of relationships.  Over the next few months we will be sharing more of our lives and ministry, but also want to hear from you!  Please let us know how we can also be a support to you.  Thank you again for your love and friendship.

In Him,

Andy & Andrea