October 2000 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family-

The past few years have been years of learning. Learning about God's heart for the poor, learning about God's heart for me, learning about my heart for God. It has been an incredible journey. As I look back I can see how far I have come. Where once I could not accept the love of others, let alone God's Love for me, now I know that I am God's beloved daughter, and I know that I love and depend on Christ. I am continually amazed at the life altering changes that have expanded my worldview.

It is important to become aware that at every moment of our life we have an opportunity to choose joy. Life has many sides to it. There are always sorrowful and joyful sides to the reality we live. And so we always have a choice to live the moment as a cause for resentment or as a cause for joy. It is in the choice that our true freedom lies, and that freedom is, in the final analysis, the freedom to love. (Henri J.M. Nouwen in “Here and Now Living in the Spirit”)

It is those words that opened my eyes to the true reality of life. The fact is that we need to be joyful and content where we are. It doesn't matter of that means school, NJ, KY, or Nepal. The real challenge is to live in joy. I knew this in a way but didn't fully understand the consequences of this decision. Having joy in each situation doesn't mean that I find joy in spite of the hardships but that I take the joys and the hardships together and find joy. Joy allows me to celebrate where I am. I really feel that understanding the idea of joy no matter where you are is a central issue of life. If we are not willing to choose joy then we are, in a way, not able to love. We start to become so wrapped up in our own lives that we fail to see those around us with desires and needs. When we can see the joys in our own lives we are more able to welcome others into our lives and to embrace them. We have the room in our lives for others.

I am sure that I have heard a million times that I need to be content no matter where I am. Probably on those family vacations when I was stuck in the back seat between my brother and sister complaining but I never really embraced what those words mean. I always thought that I could “get through” and circumstance, but never stopped to consider what it would mean to actually chose joy. This opens a whole new door for me. I can no longer look at my life when I am in a circumstance that I don't want to be in and look for something good to help me get by. I need to accept the circumstance and look within myself for the joy. Not easy. Pray for me as I continue to seek joy.

Seek Justice, Be Merciful, Walk with Humility,

Kimberly West



Dear Friends and Family,

Silas here. I just wanted to let you all know what is going on here. First of all: the biggest news. On September 7th Kimberly and I went to the hospital for her checkup and ultrasound. The ultrasound showed a VERY active (which I assume means healthy) BOY!! The technician commented, “Oh, he will be very a very naughty boy”. I could see him kicking and squirming every time he tried to get a good angle. To answer the most frequently asked question, we do not have a name picked out yet. We did have a really good girl name picked out, but that one will have to wait.

Kimberly is doing very well. She is not very sick at all and is gaining weight. It is becoming very obvious that something is going on in there. She frequently “complains” of being hot. I sleep with blankets while she has the fan going. It's a good thing that the monsoon is now over and the cool season will soon be starting.

As a field, we are in the midst of organizing the paperwork, which will, with God's grace, enable us to become a registered organization with His Majesty's Government of Nepal. Four weeks from when I am writing this, our staff and our International Director met with seven Nepali men and women who will soon be our board of directors and take the leadership of Word Made Flesh in Nepal. It has been a month of extreme joy for us to be a part of this. There is much to do before we will be ready to submit our forms to the Government. And after that, there will be much to do to serve our board, as they become the hands and feet of our Master here in Nepal.

On this note, I ask you all to remember to pray earnestly for the future of WMF in Nepal. They will be up against much opposition over the next few months. Some of them will be entering a time of training. All of them are seeking to humbly serve Jesus through answering the cry of the poor here in Kathmandu. But it will not be easy for them. Please remember them often over the next few months.

I thank you all for your prayers and love for us. I pray that as we serve Christ here in Nepal, we are also able to serve you through our correspondence. Please feel free to write us anytime. Grace and peace to you.

Seek Justice, Be Merciful, Walk with Humility

Silas and Kimberly West