October 2008 Prayer Letter

October 1, 2008

Dear family and friends,

Accept our greetings of love and peace.  It's always good for us to pause and reflect and give thanks for the ways God is moving. 

Our lives here in Buenos Aires feel grounded.  We feel accompanied and cared for.  We feel challenged both professionally and personally.   We also have space for renewal and refreshment.  Along with Cora, we just participated for the second time in our church's musical performance of Noah's Ark, which was geared as an outreach to the neighborhood children.  We loved having an opportunity to serve alongside our daughter in this fun, creative way. 

Cora, who recently turned six, is thriving in school.  Her last report card recounted all her excellent progress and it's been so exciting to see her begin to read.  She loves homework, drawing, dance and her little sister.  Amani, our almost two year old, is becoming more verbal with each passing day.  We are amazed at her vocabulary.  She has no fear, which instills a little in her parents, and enjoys being in the kids' room on Sunday mornings.  Cora is her heroine and we have loved seeing them play together more now that Amani is older.

Adriana has several outlets for her passions.  She now leads worship at church on a regular rotating basis, goes to the gym when possible, is an active parent at Cora's school and has had some meaningful friendships blossom with Argentine friends. Walter has also found life-giving outlets.  Whether it is helping facilitate Bible studies on Sunday mornings at church, meeting with friends over coffee or meal, continuing his passion for playing basketball and reading good books, these channels make life here in Buenos Aires fulfilling. 

The once a week gathering at the church with the young adults has turned into a bi-monthly overnight event. Our original intent was to provide the youth with breakfast, some arts and crafts, computer training, Bible study, ending with a late lunch.  But it was turning out to be difficult for the youth to make it to the church in the morning and attendance was low.  So we decided to try-out an evening invitation for dinner and a movie, an overnight stay so that the next morning we'd be ready with our original ideas for the day program.  Our initial thoughts were to make this invitation once a month.  But the response from the youth has been so positive that we now gather overnight twice a month.  We take this as a sign that the Spirit is working in their lives and for this we gift thanks to God.

A couple of months ago we mentioned two friends who we took through discipleship material before being baptized.  The young man has not had any luck finding a steady job and this has been worrisome for them.  Would you please pray for this young family of 3 and their economic situation, specifically that our friend would find a steady job with dignified pay?  Please pray also that they could continue to dream and see those dreams realized in God and that they would continue to grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus.  We are thankful that they have become part of the faith community and have found encouragement and discipleship there.   

Again, we ask you to continue to pray for the regional retreat being held in Peru at the end of October. There will be nearly 30 adults and 10 children attending from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru.  The theme will be centered upon a Latin American Christology (i.e. Jesus in Latin America).  So we ask that you continue to pray for safe travel for all the staff and children.  Pray that God would renew our love for and commitment to God, each other and to the vulnerable and excluded that have become our friends.

