October 2009

Welcome to the World, Owen & Asher!

Dearest Friends,

THANK YOU!  For your generosity, prayers, kindness and support on behalf of our family.  We have been so humbled by the Lord’s goodness in providing for our every need.  The twins were born at full-term, and perfectly healthy, despite all the odds.  The Lord has been so faithful!

And now, since the twin’s arrival in July, our world has become a whirlwind of baby-craziness!  This is certainly the most labor-intensive year of our lives.  The twins are now 3 months old and just beginning to smile and coo, as the bouts of endless screaming decrease.  We are plugging along, though some days we feel pushed past our limits.  However, in it all, we’re holding on to that same Goodness and Faithfulness that has carried us thus far.

In other news, the ministry is also undergoing quite a few changes.  In September we began more construction in the House of Hope, adding a staff workroom, classroom, administrative and counseling offices.  We also welcomed to the community, Alicia Bunch as Counselor, Doris Monesterios as Accountant, and Nancy Mamani as our Social Worker.   In addition, Adam and Becky Thada have been approved for service with WMF and will be joining us in January.

However, Heather and Wes Goertzen, after taking a 2-month Leave of Absence in the U.S., have decided to end their time in El Alto.  After 5 years of life and service, they have both been an integral part of WMF Bolivia’s story.  We are so grateful for their time here and for the passion and vision with which they’ve served.  Please pray for Divine Care as they enter into this difficult time of transition.

In closing, we ask that you would also continue to pray for us.  We are entering into a time of discernment, seeking to balance the reality of a growing family in light of this unique calling.  Could you please pray for unity and peace as we seek His will for our future.

With much love and gratefulness,

The Baker Brood, Andy, Andrea, Elias, Luke, Owen & Asher