On Hospitality

November 13, 2009

Although many, we might even say most, strangers in this world become easily the victim of a fearful hostility, it is possible for men and women and obligatory for Christians to offer an open and hospitable space where strangers can cast of their strangeness and become our fellow human beings.
–Henri Nouwen

Dear Friends,

Our guest room–the one through the kitchen with the curtain for a door–has had its sheets changed, air mattress inflated and deflated, towels washed, and floor swept numerous times in recent days. By the end of this month our little house on 31st Ave will have welcomed ten overnight visitors in the last twelve weeks.

Last January our department (the Advocacy Team) identified hospitality and invitation as important themes for us in 2009. At that point, we were just about to launch the redesign and anticipated welcoming people to interact with us through a much more accessible website and social networking avenues. As we reflected, we were reminded of all the opportunities we have for hospitality as a department. Several times a year staff and board members visit Omaha for meetings and orientation. Each month we welcome guests to our advocacy meeting, Beggars Society. I was especially struck by my role as Short Term Programs Director in inviting and welcoming people to join our organization by traveling overseas to spend time with our communities. I enjoy these occasions when our community comes together to offer hospitality, but event after event can exhaust us if we are not mindful.

I have learned that I sometimes wear myself down in the name of false hospitality. When making a good impression on guests motivates gestures, the effort becomes self-centered and frantic. And everyone feels the negative stress of that. I hope to create a space in my home, my office and my heart where friends and strangers are welcome to be human. The birth of that sacred space has much less to do with the clean sheets and much more to do with the state of my heart, and it certainly does not require the sacrifice of my own sanity. In fact, the creation and offering of that life-giving space demands that I am able to find the breath of God in my own life.

As Thanksgiving and Christmas approach and certain stresses inevitably mount, my prayer is that I keep an open space in my heart reserved for the stranger or unexpected guest. And perhaps, for you.

With Love,

*Taken from Reaching Out by Henri Nouwen (p. 43)