Reflect, Rejoice, Rest.

July 2009


Dear friends,


Today (June 12) was my last normal day at the Community Center here in Galati. My four students continued to test my patience even up to the last day, but I am proud of them for the progress they’ve made.  They will continue to be mentored and tutored by other staff members when I leave.


                I’ve told all the children that I’ll only come back to Galati for a short time in January, because God is calling me to Moldova to share God’s love with children there. One of the sixth graders responded, “Well, I guess those children in Moldova need your love more than we do!”  Another of the sixth graders responded optimistically, “I’m going to practice guitar every day this summer so that by the time you and Magda go to Moldova, I’ll be able to lead the children in singing!”  So far, she has kept her promise, and can be found in the chapel during play time, practicing worship songs.


                It seems that the team headed to Moldova is coming together, and at this point in time we have six people committed to going.  We are 1 Moldovan, 2 Romanians and 3 Americans.  On Sunday we’ll share at my local church about our plans. Pray especially for Magda, Iosif and Annie as they accept the call to serve Jesus among the poor in Moldova and seek friends to come alongside and support them in this calling.


                In the month of May I received nearly $3,000 in my support account from friends and family. Thank you! I am encouraged to see that God continues to provide for me, even as I embrace a season of rest.  Following is a brief summary of my plans for the next six months.


                June 15   — transition-out time in Galati, Romania

                July 7      — two weeks in Italy for a guided spiritual retreat in Orvieto and visits to Rome and

 Florence. I will be joined by my Mom on July 11.

July 23    — return to the U.S. for creative rest in the beautiful White Mountains and Lakes

                                Region of New Hampshire

October — visit and learn from relatives serving in East Asia. (Wade and Kate Simons

 in Hong Kong, Jeremy and Amy Simons in Davao City, Philipines, and

Roger and Abi Lowther in Tokyo, Japan.)

                November – celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with family in Massachusetts and reconnect with church

                                                friends before returning to Romania on December 28.

You may not hear from me again for several months, but please continue to keep me in prayer and send your gifts to Word Made Flesh on my behalf.


Reflect, rejoice, rest.  These are words of wisdom from my good friend Lenuta as I begin sabbatical.  Please pray for all the emotional goodbyes that I must walk through. 


I have scheduled three directed spiritual retreats ( in Italy in July, Maine in September, and Massachusetts in December) and hope to meet a spiritual director that will be a spiritual guide for me even after I return to Romania and Moldova. Pray that God will provide just the right person.  Thank you!


With love and gratitude,
