Our new visual identity!

Daphne here, really excited to share our new visual identity with you. It’s been more than a year since we started this adventure … and the day to show you has finally come! We are thrilled with our new look and hope you like it too.

When we got our first logo back in WMF’s beginnings, we weren’t sure who we were or what we’d become. Now, 18 years later, we’ve gotten a better glimpse of God’s idea behind WMF. We think we’ve found a mark that represents the spirit of who we have become and even more — one that our community can live into.

As we embrace the symbolism and meaning of the joyful bird taking flight, we invite you to explore the symbolism with us. Here are a couple things to help you:

  • A beautiful reflection by Phileena Heuertz (Director of Community Care). There are also some reflections from our staff on the country blogs too.

After you read these pieces, check out the blog updates feeding to home page and visit our new online store!

Keep coming back over the next few weeks as we work to get the site fully functional. We appreciate your patience in the meantime. After it’s all up and fully running, we’ll still continue to update content daily, yes daily. It’s a new day for WMF’s online presence!

Finally. A huge THANK YOU to all you who gave via the Facebook Cause toward this new venture. And thanks to the generous foundation that started it all by offering a 2-to-1 matching grant to help us update our look! We really couldn’t have done it without all your collective gifts. Thank you. We hope that it is returned to you in many, many blessings.