
Dear Friends and Family,

As many of you are fully aware, it has been a hot and balmy summer in the Midwest this year. This summer has held many significant events in my life that will be seared in my memory for years to come: graduation from Taylor University, my first days of work at Word Made Flesh, apartment hunting, and moving into my first apartment in Omaha, Nebraska.

I spent the first part of the summer at home in Des Moines visiting with family and friends and preparing for my transition to Omaha. While I was at home I got the chance to catch up with many of you at church or in my home at my graduation party. It was refreshing to reunite with a community that has known me since childhood and has loved me so well. I have been the grateful recipient of many words of encouragement, offers to listen, financial gifts, a bed, a table and six chairs.

My mom found the table and chairs at garage sales and some friends helped us polish, re-glue, and re-upholster; and now the set is beautifully restored, fit for The Antique Roadshow or an expensive auction. The table and chairs are a small gift that has become a symbol of God's provision for me and a reminder of the wonder of restoration. The importance of face-to-face interaction and authentic relationship are reinforced around the table when I share a meal with friends and we commit to hearing one another's voices as we sit together. I grasp God's promise that we are in the process of being restored. He can take the old and make it new.

Today, I write to you from the office at WMF. I have spent five days in the office learning about my responsibilities and dreaming about the future of WMF and my role in it. Throughout my orientation I have had the opportunity to review the values and purpose of the organization in depth and I feel peace and confirmation regarding my decision to take the position as Short Term Programs Coordinator/Beggars Society Coordinator. I look forward to engaging with God's heart for the poor and to discovering my place here. I am energized by the creativity and imagination poured into serving Jesus among the poor at WMF.

I will continue to keep you updated as I become more involved in my work at WMF. Please pray for me in this time of transition as I will be encountering many changes and uncertainty as I establish myself in Omaha. I am also still in need of financial supporters; please consider joining in my ministry by giving a one-time or monthly gift. I am grateful for a time of connections at home in Des Moines and look forward to the next stage of life with great anticipation. Thank you for your prayer and support.


Marcia Ghali

P.O. Box 70
Omaha, NE 68101

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