Roll Call

November 2006

Dear Friends,

As I write, autumn is just starting to enter into its fullness here in Galati.  The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting a bit chilly, and the trees are beginning to change into all shades of beautiful colors.  This is definitely my favorite time of the year.

School for the kids has been in full swing now for just over a month.  Last year I gave you a list of the kids' names along with their grades to help you pray more specifically.  I'm doing so again this month.  The first two days of the school year we received nine new children into the program at the center.  We received a couple of others over the summer.  I'll indicate below which of the kids are new.  Please pray for them in a special way as there are a lot of things that are new for them right now.

2nd Graders – Georgiana, Luminita (new in May)
3rd Graders – Ana, Andreea, Aurelia (new), Flori, Madalina (new; she and Aurelia are twin sisters)
4th Graders – Geanina, Ionela, Lavinia
5th Grader – Gabita
6th Graders – Cati, Eleni, Marcela
7th Grader – Lacramioara

1st Graders – Adi, (new), Renato (new)
2nd Graders – Cristi (new), Florin M, Ovidiu, Marian (new), Robert B, Silviu (new), Stefan (new)
3rd Grader – Alin (new)
4th Graders – Daniel M, Florin R, George, Robert O (new)
5th Grader – Daniel S
6th Grader – Elvis

I think that's everyone.  Our total is now up to 31 children, 11 of which are new within the last few months.  Of those 11 new kids, eight of them are wild and crazy little boys.  Please pray for us all.

In addition to the kids listed above, we have several others who come regularly to the center.  They started school at a later age that usual, so they go to a special school that exists for just such students.  Please pray for our three seventh-graders – Alina, Claudia (both girls), and Mircea (boy).  Pray for Stela, a fifth-grade girl who just started coming this past week.  And please pray for our one first-grader, Moise.  Yes, Moise has returned to the center.  He is still living with his family, so he isn't back at the boys' home, but he is going to school, coming to the center, and continuing to go to church.  Thank you for your prayers for Moise thus far.  Please continue to hold him up.

Thank you, as always, for your faithful prayers and support.  You are an important part of what the Lord is doing here in Galati.  I hope that you have a great autumn filled with the presence of Jesus…
