September 1996 Prayer Letter


September 19, 1996


Dear Friends of the Poor,


I'm writing this on behalf on children you may never meet.  In a sense, I'm begging so they won't have to.  The reality for many in India today is a stark injustice called poverty, we labor to lift the oppressed from this heavy yoke.


Word Made Flesh cares for nearly 30 children and several destitute women in Madras, South India.  Our vision is to see God's redemptive love and grace brought to the poorest of the poor all over India as well as all around the world.  For that to happen we need your help.


In India we've taken in abandoned children, babies left on the streets to die.  We've taken in babies with AIDS, children who were literally left in run-down government hospitals to waste away.  We've taken in young women who were kidnapped, sold into prostitution, forced to work 20 hours a day, “serving” as many as 15 men a day, and their “salary” was a small bowl of rice and an injection of heroine in their back to keep them “fresh” for the next day. 


We have 14 Indians on full-time staff who are responsible for keeping an office and two children's homes going.  And today I am begging so they won't have to.


I've served Word Made Flesh as the India Field Director for the past two years and I know how hard it is for them to go without.  I know the dangers they face when the money needed to keep the mission alive isn't there.  I know the pain on the boys and girls faces when their basic needs aren't met.  I know their burden and now I've been given the responsibility to carry it.


For Word Made Flesh to serve the poorest of the poor we need you.  The summer giving has been down and we are in need of men and women who would commit themselves to sacrificing for boys and girls they may never meet.  They need you.  I'm begging from you so they won't have to, so they won't end up on the streets like so many in India have.


Please consider joining our extended family.  Please consider making a monthly pledge to our General Ministry Fund or to our India Baby Rescue Fund.  It may mean the live of a child will be saved. 


I'm begging, for their sake, so they won't have to.






Chris Heuertz

Executive Director