September 2000 Prayer Letter


September 24, 2000


Dear Friends,


In the book of Matthew, Jesus asks us to pray that His will would be done and that the will of God would be established on earth as it is in heaven (Matt. 6:9-13).  In my last prayer letter I asked you to pray with the Peruvian people for revolution-both political revolution in their nation and spiritual revolution in all of our hearts.


This past weekend I received an e-mail from Walter Forcatto, the WMF Field Director in Lima, Peru.  Walter informed me that the Peruvian dictator, Alberto Fujimori, in a surprise move, has called for new elections possibly in May of 2001 and he will not be running.  What a miracle!


Reading the news this past weekend has been an exercise in building my faith.  I have honestly wondered sometimes if my prayers for the “huge” things will ever be answered.  This weekend He showed me that His will can only be established on earth as it is in heaven if His people are faithful in prayer.


Be encouraged!  For those of you who prayed let this be a step in building faith in your prayer lives and for all of us may this news further push the boundaries that we’ve set up and see our prayer lives flourish as we align our wills with His.


Enclosed you should find a copy of a sermon I delivered at our home church in Wilmore, Kentucky.  I’m only sending this tape to a handful of people who have enabled Phileena and I this year to continue in ministry.  Your prayers, encouragement, letters, and contributions to our support account have carried us through 6 months in Peru and a month in Nepal.  We want to thank you for going into ministry with us and empowering us to be obedient to what He has called us to.  We honestly can’t do what we do without you.


By the end of the fall there will be nearly 70 full-time missionaries serving with Word Made Flesh.  In addition to the staff we have serving in India, Nepal, Romanai, Peru, and here in the USA, we are planning on sending people into ministry in Brazil, Bolivia, Pakistan, and Thailand.  With the growth in the WMF community our responsibilities also grow.  In the next year Phileena and I anticipate trips to South America, West Africa, South Asia, and Eastern Europe.  We pray that these trips will be full of fruitful times in ministry as we pastor and encourage the WMF staff and participate in the establishment of WMF projects that we pray will lead to on-going transformation among the poorest of the poor.


As you have shown your faithfulness to us throughout the year we ask that you would continue to do the same.  Even though I am the Executive Director of Word Made Flesh, Phileena and I still need to raise support to cover our ministry, travel, and living expenses.  This year has been one of the most difficult in that area and we ask that you pray with us as we continue trusting for His provision and sustaining blessing.  Do also continue to remember to pray for the children in India, Nepal, Romania, and in Peru.  Please remember to pray for Phileena and I as we continue serving Jesus as we seek to minister among the poor.  And finally please pray for the WMF community as we conduct our fall board meeting at the end of October.


You are dear to us and to Him.




Chris and Phileena