September 2006 Prayer Letter

August 14, 2006 Dear Family and Friends, When you receive this letter it will already be September and in if you're like me the rest of this year will seem to fly by very quickly. And as soon as I realize it the end of the year is around the corner, which means summer for us in the southern hemisphere. Yeah!!! Since our last letter there have been a couple important events in our lives that we'd like to update you on. One is more of an ongoing experience as we await our second child. In July we found out that we will be having another girl and we are excited that we'll be “populating the world with strong, beautiful women” as a good friend recently put it. Adriana is 6 months along in her pregnancy and the delivery date is supposedly December 6. If you think of it, please pray for a continued health for mommy and baby. The second update concerns Cora. Many of you have already heard from us via email about Cora's recent surgery. Earlier this year she was diagnosed with urinary reflux, which means that urine does not completely exit the bladder upon urination, but partially travels backward through the ureter into the kidney. This condition has made her susceptible to urinary tract infections (UTI), which could lead to kidney infection. In many cases urinary reflux corrects itself over time. But due to Cora's age, the number of UTI's she's experienced and the grade of reflux, her urologist recommended surgical treatment. After much prayer and thought, we decided to go ahead with the corrective surgery. She was checked into the hospital on Saturday August 5 and underwent a two hour procedure which re-implanted the faulty ureter into a different part of the bladder at an angle that prevents the backward flow of urine. The surgeon was pleased with the operation. She stayed in the hospital for three days. Thankfully we were both able to stay with her 24 hours a day. A catheter was inserted and in place for 5 days, which made those first days of recovery pretty uncomfortable for our little girl. But she really handled it all very well and has very positive things to say about her hospital stay, the doctors and staff. She has a tiny bikini-line scar, which is healing well. It's been a little over a week now and she is dancing around as good as ever. We deeply appreciate all the prayers that were offered by you on behalf of Cora. Through them and the presence of friends and family here we felt God very near. May God give us all the grace to see Jesus today and to love and serve him in our neighbor. Thanks for loving us so well. If you think of it, please pray through the following: ? Many kids and youth are experimenting with new drugs. Please pray for God's deliverance and freedom from these very harmful addictions. ? Continued opportunities to share God's love and good news with our friends on the street through concrete actions and words. ? Two young couples are attempting to leave their old lives on the street. We truly love them and ask you to pray that God's favor and grace would provide for their needs. ? Cora's full recovery and for a continuing healthy pregnancy for Adriana and baby Forcatto. Peace, Walter