September 2007 Prayer Letter

Dear friends & family,

First of all, I wanted to apologize for not writing last month. The deadline for the letter was in the midst of staff retreat, and I just plain forgot to tackle it. However, you should have received the fall issue of The Cry in August, and I hope you consider it as sent from heart to your hand because I really do pour my heart into its pages.

I want to thank you for the many responses I received after my last letter. I've been so encouraged by you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Our staff retreat was themed on the book "Our Human Condition: Contemplation and Transformation" by Thomas Keating. For 10 days, I tried to really retreat, to take time to myself for journaling and reflection. I tried to listen to the amazing speakers who shared about identity, and I tried to absorb these lessons into my life and being. I tried to meet and at least start to get to know the 100-ish North American WMF staff who live abroad. OK, and let's be honest, I tried to make 100-ish people love me.

And I'm tired. For all that retreat is supposed to mean, I was sure trying way too much. And after some time with my family in Illinois, it's time to get back to life in Omaha. At this point, I'm still recovering. I want to have deep reflections to share with you, but I just don't. Not today. And I appreciate being able to admit that.

What I can share with you is a list of snapshots of my last two months and lessons.

Creating. The act of creating speaks to my soul, and at retreat I was reminded of the importance of expressing myself in creative ways-ways that are for me and not for anything or anyone else. I've written more in the past three weeks than all year. And I love it. Maybe someday I will be able to share more of the fruit of this.

Music. I love listening to music. I want my life to serve as a song.

Microcosms. Nature reflects the beauty of God, but it cannot worship Him back-it doesn't have a soul. Angels can worship but don't have bodies. Human beings have the touch of creation in our bodies, and we have been given spirits. We are microcosms, little worlds, that most closely reflect our God.

Names. We give ourselves names, and that is not our job. I want to know my name as it reflects my relationship to God. I am Daughter (because He is Father). I am Princess (because my Father is the King).

Outdoors. I love being outside. Swimming. Volleyball. Ultimate Frisbee. College World Series of Baseball. Jet-skiing and tubing. Bonfires.

Friends & Family. I loved seeing my uncle Wayne get married, and sharing that moment with my beautiful, slightly crazy family. I love meeting my friends' family. I love friends who think of me and help me out, who act as family would. I love friendships that can be picked up after months apart. I love friendships that are daily interactions. I love phone calls. I love emails. I love facebook and myspace notes. I love sitting together with loved ones.

Thanks for your prayers. Keep 'em coming. I need to move soon, so pray for me in this adventure. Pray for my work. Pray for my heart. Pray for my trip to Brazil. Thanks!!

Thanks so much for your love. May the Lord bless you and keep you. With love,
