September 2009 Prayer Letter

September 2009

Dear Friends,

I have another short letter this month as Ana and I are in the midst of all that busyness I mentioned last month. The summer program is humming right along, lots of staff members are off on vacation, and our camp preparations are well under way. Of course, by the time you receive this letter, we will already be at camp. Again, our camp dates are from Monday, August 31st to Sunday, September 6th. Please pray for us!

The new school year will begin this month, as well. Monday, September 14th is officially the first day of school, so please be in prayer for the children. Especially exciting for me is the fact that four of the children I have been with on a daily basis for over four years (while they were in grades 5 through 8) will start high school this year! This is an amazing accomplishment for all four of these youth. They are each the first in their family to complete eighth grade (I believe) and they will continue treading new ground as they move forward into secondary school. Please pray for Cati, Eleni, Marcela, and Elvis. Pray that they will easily make new friends at their new schools. And pray that they will have a great start to the new school year.

I know I have sent out a prayer list each of the last few years with the children’s names and grades to help you as you pray. I’m planning to do so again this year, though it won’t be for another month or two. The start of the school year is when we most often receive new children and exactly which ones will be received this year is yet to be decided. I want to make sure the list is as up to date as possible.

Finally, Ana has mentioned that she would like to take a turn writing a letter every so often. It remains to be seen if she will write an entire letter every now and again or if she would rather contribute in some way to a letter that I write. She said that since she has met almost all of you personally now, she would really like to keep in touch, too. In any case, I’m sure you’ll figure it out when Ana starts to write. I just thought I’d give you a heads up in advance.

Thank you again for our recent time in the States. You all were truly a blessing to us. We’re already looking forward to our next visit…


Paul and Ana