September prayer letter

September 2007

Dear family and friends,

Greetings to all of you once again in Jesus' name! We are back in Lima after an eventful month of July. The adventure started when Brian's two day trip to the jungle to visit a former youth from the street who is playing semi-professional soccer there turned into an 11-day affair and a last minute return to Lima just in time for our family to leave the country for a month. This particular city went on strike and the airport as well as the river port and the highway, were totally closed to all traffic. We are thankful that God reunited us after this difficult experience.

While in the States, we had a great time reconnecting with family and friends in Columbus, at the retreat in Omaha, Ne, and at former WMF Perú staff Jamie Reed's wedding in Boothbay, Maine on August 4. Our airplane rides were for the most part uneventful, save Natalia's upset stomach and subsequent mess as we were deplaning upon arrival to Lima. At least it happened on the final leg of our journey.

We have begun to talk more with Isabel about our life in Lima, why we are here and more in depth about what we do. She is growing up a third culture kid, and our decision to raise her in a culture not her own, far from blood family, is beginning to register with her. Please continue to pray for us that our communication with her about these issues would be always done in love, and that the Holy Spirit would guide our family, including Isabel as she grows in knowledge and understanding. The final day of the WMF retreat, the leadership in Omaha presented all the children with a San Damiano cross necklace as a symbol of their participation with their parents in the different WMF communities. It was a very sweet and appropriate confirmation as the staff watched their children, with eyes wide open, receive their gift. Natalia will understand later, but for now she just bit down on her metal necklace in an attempt to eat it. Ouch.

We also want to sincerely thank and recognize all the ways in which we were blessed this summer by so many people, from clothes for the girls, to borrowed cars, to help with plane tickets, blueberries for breakfast, pool time with the cousins, long talks solving all the world's problems, prayers, opportunities to share our hearts about the work in Lima, visits from out-of-town family and old friends, and above all by your faith that is moving mountains in Lima Perú. God is opening up for us all a new future, and we are called to enter into it with the boldness granted us through Christ Jesus. We will do this together with you!

the langleys