Sowing Eternal Seed


Dear Beloved Partners in Ministry,


This month we are overjoyed to announce to you the birth of our first child!  We know that many of you have been anxiously awaiting her birth along with us.  To fill you in on all of the details, Anna Elizabeth was born here in Rio on February 24 (about a week late).  She weighed 3,665 grams (8 lb. 1 oz.) and was 49 centimeters (19.25 inches) tall.  Her eyes are blue and she's already got a head full of brown hair, much to the surprise of our brasilian neighbors who were all sure that she'd come out with golden blond locks!  So far, she's pretty laid back and quiet as babies go.  Both of us are really enjoying getting to know her and learning to be a family, if with much less sleep than before!  We are so grateful to all of you for your many prayers during Rebecca's pregnancy and Anna's birth.  Both were complication free!  Praise the Lord!


Anna isn't the only thing growing around here these days.  Some of you may have heard that Rich has been trying his hand at farming on our rooftop!  He missed eating sweet corn so much that he decided to try and grow his own!  Of course, growing corn in a box on your rooftop in Rio de Janeiro presents many challenges, and as Rich has put lots of hours and sweat into his corn, I've been reminded of the parable Jesus told about the sower.  The seed the sower scattered fell in many different places: on the path where the birds ate it; in rocky places with shallow soil; among the thorns which choked it; and on good, rich earth perfect for farming (Matthew 13:1-23).  As I see how hard it is to grow corn in shallow soil with little nutrients on our roof, I think of the seed of God's Word that we sow each day in the lives of the people we know.  There are many hard hearts and lives full of rocks and thorns in our circle of friends.  Yet, like the sower about whom Jesus spoke, we scatter this seed in all of these places and lives.  Like the sower, we scatter lots of seed with abandon regardless of where it falls.  Though some of our work falls on rocky soil and deaf ears, we allow the Lord's light to shine through us in all of our relationships.  We know it is the Lord who prepares hearts to know and love him.  He can clear the rocks, thorns and burdens from the fields of our hearts.  Please pray with us that God would be preparing and softening the hearts of our friends and loved ones (from the streets, our English and our neighborhood) to know His transforming love.    


Anna is excited to be traveling to the US (along with her parents) in April to meet all of you!  We can't wait to reconnect with so many family members, friends and supporters this coming summer while showing off our new Nichols.  We would love to speak at some churches during our visit, so please let us know ASAP if you'd like us to come to your church or small group so we can set a date.  You can contact us by e-mail or through talking with our parents.  We miss all of you dearly!        




Rich & Rebecca Nichols


P.S.  See the reverse side of this letter for some photos!


























Anna Elizabeth Nichols






















Farmer Rich